Chapter 18: Betrayed

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     Chapter 18: Betrayed

-Dylan POV-

I pull up to the site to take the next shift without Melissa. She's been ignoring us all for the past few days and I dont know why. Ever since we came back from our first shift up here she's acted this way. Even so I dont want her first day back to reality to be working for a job she aimlessly signed up for. I want to help her in any way that I can and if this is my way of helping then I'm fine with it.

I walk into the tent and lay down on the scrungy cott and shut my eyes. Latley I haven't been getting any sleep because of all the stress that's been pact on to me. I slowly start to drift off to sleep thinking about the kiss Melissa and I had shared. It's all I can think about ever since it happened.

Yesterday when I saw her come out of her room for the first time in three days a part of me lit up, something that rarely happens. Seeing her beautiful brown hair and fare skin sent me over the edge. The cigarette in her mouth and the guy that was flirting with her made me angry. 

Whatching her give him the cold shoulder made me smile though. The way she rolled her eyes and scoffed at him was cute and adorable. She did that with me all the time. I would hate the way she did that to me when we were together. Now I want it more than ever. I finally figured out why I miss her so much, it's becasue I like her.

I want to be around her, I want her to roll her eyes and give me those smartass remarks to me not to him. I want to see her pout when she is upset or won't get her way. But most of all I want her, more than anything. I never expected for this girl to wiggle her way into my heart so fast. As a matter of fact it sounds crazy and cheesy as hell, but I cant help it.

The sudden vibration of my phone interrupts my thoughts. I awnser the call without even looking at the screen. "Hello?"

"Dylan did you hear what happened," Remo asks in a panicked voice. 

"No what is it," i groggily ask.

"Gil was shot last night," my eyes widen at the sudden news.

"Who did it," I rushed.

"Dont know but I think it people are starting to think it was one of the other families businesses that did it."

"Well what now."

"We wait. I'll be back in town in a few days, I still have to take care of a few things. Look out for yourself ,I dont want to come back to a dead partner. Also....keep an eye out for Melissa."

"What does she have anything to with this?"

"All I know is that she is important and someone important in this business is always in danger," Remo said with urgency in his voice.

I hung up the phone and run my hands through my tattered hair in distress. This could cause a major problem in the business. All the workers including me and Melissa are at risk, especially Melissa. How is she important in any of this, she just a newbie. I dont know what to do or how I could fix this. What I know for sure is that I have to protect Melissa and be with her to ensure her safety. The only problem is should I tell her or should I keep this a secret to secure her worries.

I hear voices not too far away that alert me. I grab my gun and follow where the voices are coming from. I stealthly weave through the trees getting closer to the source. I see inbetween the bushes Melissa sitting on te rocks next to the river. She came out of her room finally, and she looks happy.

I put my gun away lowering my alertness and smile creeps onto my face. I start my way towards her and then I see she is not alone. I stop and lean in to get a closer look and see it's the same guy that she was talking to at the motel. Jelousy rushes in at the closeness they are sharing. The space between them gets smaller and smaller and I realize whats happening and apart me was torn away.

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