Chapter 3: Dylan

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                                            Chapter 3 : Dylan

I reach the bus stop and sit down on the hard wooden bench. The least this town could have done to this bus stop was to clean up the weeds that were around it. It would be nice to sit down and not having to get poked by one every damn second. I open my bag and pull out to what looks to be chicken pot pie.  I grab my fork and start to eat.

Hot or cold either way it was good. I ate of the pie not leaving a single crumb. It was big enough to feed three people, but I haven't eaten in three days and that just made up for it. A big gust of wind blows and I shiver. Man its cold, I wish I had a thicker sweater than this. Atleast its something instead of nothing. I curl up into a ball and put my hood on and try to get some sleep. I look at my watch 11:52 PM. Morning needs to hurry up and come, I don't know how much of the cold I can take tonight.

Ive slept outside before, but this place takes the trophy for being the coldest in my book. A few minutes pass and a black truck passes by. It stops after it passes me and then reverses. The window to the driver side rolls down, I cant see the mans face clear but he looks creepy as hell.

"Hey girl ya look a bit young to be out here all by yer self," the man spits to what it looks like tobacco on the road. Great a creeper, this town is cold and has high class creepers. Mental note: Never come here again after you leave.

"Im not by myself Im waiting for my boyfriend," I lie, If I tell him im by myself then he'll get ideas and it could end up getting pretty ugly.

"I don't see no boyfriend of yers any where. Why don't you come with me and my buddy here for a lil ride. We can show you a rreeeaallll good time," this 'buddy' if his pops his head out the window and he looks twenty times creepier as the first guy.

"Uh no thanks Im fine. Bye." Hoping that would get them to leave I put my head down and start digging through my bag for my knife. I always carry a knife with me just in case situations like this happen.

"Don't be rude lil girl well take good care of ya," when he said that his 'buddy' stepped out of the truck and started his way towards me. I can tell with that look in his eyes what hes gonna try to do and Im in no way staying. I get up and start running towards the motel. I can here the men sprinting behind me.

"Get back here ya lil girl," they yell while chasing after me. I trip over the stupid rocks and fall straight on my face causing me scrape up my hands but I don't care. I ignore the pain and try to get up, but a foot landed straight on my back crushing my spine, preventing me from getting up. One of the guys flip me over and straddle me, the other holds my wrists together. I am fully immobile...

I scream as loud as I can hoping that someone can hear me. I want to cry, but for some reason the tears wont fall. My screams only earned me a slap in the face. Both of the men laugh at me screaming.

"Ahaha, you stupid lil girl, theres no one here that's gonna hear ya." He says while lifting up my shirt. I spit in his face and sqwerm in attempt to free myself from both of the mens grasp. But I failed, I am outnumbered and lack the muscle to free myself. The man straddling me slaps me hard again with anger in his eyes.

"Oh yer gonna regret that!" I scream again as he unbuckles his belt, but the man pinning my wrists covers my mouth with his other hand. I close my eyes wanting to die, all of this is brining back horrible memories. Memories that im trying to escape from, but never will.

"Hey! What the hell do you think youre doing?!" I open my eyes and see the same dirty blonde guy that pinned me to the fridge is running down the steps and towards me.

"Mind yer business boy unless you wanna get hurt," the man on top of me says.

"The hell I wont!," he pulls out a gun," let her go now or I will shot....both of you!" They off of me in a hurry and start to run towards there truck. Cowards. But I don't care thank goodness they are.

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