Alone In A Cave

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His intense stare made her feel self conscious, however Lihua had already lived a life time already. She knew he wanted her to scream at him and hide her body away from his gaze. So instead she walked towards him. Holding his gaze as she challenged him to not look away.

This grandma can play this game too! Lihua thought to herself as she raised one eyebrow. You dare try to intimidate this grandma! Ha! This grandma has nothing to be ashamed of! This grandma will never back down!

Takeshi's eyes burned with the first springs of lust. His hands clenched in tight fists behind him. His jaw locked and his mouth frowned. Instead of cold eyes, Lihua could see some warmth in them. Little did she know, his heart was beating faster and faster as she came closer and closer.

Not showing any signs of discomfort, Lihua reached the place where her clothes and towel was and grabbed the towel. Lihua slowly toweled herself dry starting with her legs. When she reached her waist, Lihua looked up to see if Takeshi was still staring and he was. She couldn't help the mischievous smile that came over her as Takeshi followed the towel as it dried her body off.

Once her body was dried, she put on the fresh clean clothes she brought with her and covered her delicate, smooth body that he had been feasting his eyes on. Once it was covered, Takeshi came back to his rightful mind and quickly stared at the young girl. How could this young girl be so brazen! Did her parents not teacher her any better?!? With such soft looking skin, she must have been raised as a lady. However with her bold behaviors around him, it made him think that she was raised as a commoner.

"Like what you see?" Lihua teased as she picked up her dirty clothes. "I figured its only fair since I saw your naked body as well."

Lihua hid the smirk on her face and walked pass him back to the hut. But before she did, she couldn't help teasing him more.

"The lake's all yours. I won't violate your body and watch." Lihua said in her sweetest voice. As she walked away she laughed to herself. She saw the virgin's blush flush through his body as it started from his chest, crawled it way up his neck and moved its way up to finally reach his cheeks. Lihua found his embarrassment highly entertaining and charming as she walked away.  

Takeshi stared back at the young girl.  Look back.  He thought.  Look back. However Lihua did not look back.  

Lihua Lei has played several chasing games before.  That is how she won her beloved Daniel's heart.   When she reached the hut, she finally took some fish soup for herself and ate her portion of the soup.  By the time she clean and cleared the pot and dishes away, Takeshi came back still wet.  He did not bring extra clothes with him, so his clothes clung to his wet body, outlining his muscles.  Lihua gulped down the saliva built in her mouth as she couldn't take her eyes away from King Hell's heavenly body.  She saw it once already and had feasted his body with her eyes, but when she towel bathed him, it was with precision and purpose.  Like a doctor checking over his patient's body.  

"There should be extra clean clothes in the hut."  Lihua barely whispered out.  

Takeshi followed her orders and changed his clothing in the hut.  When he came out, Lihua had already sat in a lotus position and started cultivating.  Takeshi sat across from her, the fire pit between them.  But instead of cultivating, he stared at Lihua.  He memorized her face and etched it into his memories.  This strange, brazen, little girl somehow was able to take down his defenses and get close to him without him noticing.  

Before there had been only one woman who he held dear to his heart.  His childhood friend and first love, Akira.  Akira had always been a sweet, innocent girl who easily cried.  Her beauty matched her delicate behaviors.  He was sad to leave the city to go to the boarder, however he knew if he stayed, his loving brother would become suspicious of him and turn against him.  So he left so they could remain loving brothers.  

When he came back Akira had blossomed into a fatal beauty.  She had become the number one beauty in the city.  She was all that he remembered of her.  Her sweet demeanor.  Her smiling personality, her lady like manners.  They soon became close again and the three of them, Akria, Nao and Takeshi were three peas in a pod, just like how they were when they were young.  

Takeshi confessed his love to Akira a year after his arrival.  She smiled and told him she felt the same way.  For a year he courted her.  For a year he treated her kindly and like a gentlemen.  He held on to propriety and didn't kiss her nor did he hold her hand.  She was a lady and he wanted to treat her as such.  He wanted to cherish her.  

When Nao finally won the crown, Takeshi was happy for him.  With his help Nao finally sat where he belonged.  The first thing he asked Nao as to grant him permission to marry Akria.  Nao immediately agreed and also gave him a title of King.  Takeshi was so happy that he immediately told Akira and her parents.  Akira seemed happy, however her parents behavior was indifferent.  

In the following days after King Nao's ceremony, Akira asked Takeshi out to go on a picnic.  Once they reached the cave, Akira suggest they explore and with out a second thought they went into the cave.  

Suddenly he felt something hard hit his head and he blacked out.  When he came to, he was strung up by the enchanted golden chain.  No one had been able to free themselves form the golden chains before.  Takeshi struggled in confusion until he saw Akira and her parents come out of the small hut.  

"What's going on?" Takeshi asked.  "Why am I up here?"  

"Humph."  Jian Chen, Akira's father said. "Did you think I would let you marry my daughter so easily?  Why would she be the wife of a King in only a name, while she could be Queen of a nation.  Mother to the child of the next King?"  

Takeshi struggled again, but to no avail he was locked in tightly within the golden chains.  He stared hatefully at the family before him.  He stared at the girl that he confessed his love to, the girl that he gave his heart to.  

"I'm sorry, Takeshi.  I can't marry you."  Akira said without a shed of tear or remorse.  "Mother and Father has plans for me, there is nothing I can do." 

The proud Takeshi did not beg, plead, or bargain with them to unchain him.  Instead he warned them.  

"This King will remember this betrayal.  This King promises to kill everyone in your clan for this deceit! This King will end your bloodline. No matter how long it will take, this King will do as this King promise."  Takeshi swore a blood oath to the heavens.  Even if Akria does marry his brother and they have children.  He will kill his niece or nephew for they have in them the impure blood of Chen.  

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that he had been asleep.  Somehow through out the night, he had fallen asleep and dreamed of his past.  He now was laying down on his back with a blanket over him.  He looked into the fire and saw that more wood had been placed into the fire pit to keep it going.  Then he looked at the young girl in front of him and saw another black poison marking on her neck.  This time, it was in a shape of a tiger.  It's black and yellow poison marking started at her throat dantian as its ferocious eyes stared back at Takeshi.  As if to warn off anyone with ill intent towards her.  The size of the tiger's body reached the top of her neck and stopped right blow her throat dantain. It laid on its belly, sitting, as if it was watching it's surrounding. It's long tail wrapped itself around her neck and the end of the tail could be seen on the other side of her shoulders.  

Takeshi quickly got up and shook her awake from her cultivation.  He angrily shouted at her with concern. 

"What have you done to yourself!" 

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