The Last Play To Lihua's Rage (2)

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Lihua's body fell down as the swords were pulled out.  Akira's crazy laughter could be heard as she accomplished her goal of taking Lihua's life.  Ethan and Xin were still fighting off Red Maidens, they were blocking Ethan and Xin's way to get to Lihua. 

"Ha!  You thought you were better than me?  As if you could ever be."  Akira said as she kicked Lihua's limp body over.  Her breathing was slow and steady as she watched Akira stand from above her.  "In the end, I always win."  

The veil had blown itself to the side, revealing Akira's burned face.  Her face was fully burned with black char as blood still ran down the opened wounds.  The red meat on her face glistened with blood. No hair could be seen on her face. Her eyeballs could be seen as her eyelids were half burnt off.  It was Lihua's turn to laugh as she saw Akira's face.  

Lihua laughed loudly as just as joyfully and crazy as Akira just did.  

"Why are you laughing?  Did you lose your mind to finally realize that your death is coming soon?  Or that it'll be by my hands that you'll die?"  Akira rubbed into Lihua's face.  "Have you finally realize that I win and you lose!  I'll take everything that should have belonged to me, back from you!"  

Lihua laughed louder and harder at Akira's words.  Between breaths she finally told Akira why she laughed.  

"Once Takeshi see's your face, his penis will shrivel up and become limp."  Lihua laughed louder as tears started to fall from the corner of her eyes.  "What makes you think he'll want to sleep with a burnt corpse? The number one beauty to the royal city is nothing but a burnt corpse with no soul.  How would Takeshi have any cushion for the pushing? You're going to get his bed sheets dirty with your blood soaking into it and the dead skin that will keep falling!  Just imagining you standing next to him is so laughable, I just can't hold back!"  

"Die!"  Akira yelled as her sword descended.  "You're death will be my beginning."  

Lihua was only able to move fast enough for the sword to pierce her right chest.  It made contact with her lung and Lihua gasped slowly as she felt her lung puncture and felt sharp pain in her chest.  

Akira smiled in victory behind the veil as she slowly took the veil off.  "This face will be the last face you'll see before you die."  

"An ugly one if I may say so."  Lihua tells her.  She could feel her doom slowly creeping up on her.  She didn't get a chance to see Takeshi one last time.  Didn't get to hold her children and her grandchildren one last time.  She didn't get to see any of her loved ones leave the Phantom Mirage in one piece.  She didn't get to finish Young Miss Lihua's last request for revenge.  Regret filled her as Akira pulled out her sword and swung it down again towards her.  

When the sword was descending on to her neck, Lihua pushed the rest of her qi from her qi core out of her and into her animals.  A last ditch effort to call on them to fight for her.  A desperate move to save herself and her bodyguards.  The black qi from her qi core reached out and touched each animal. Sending them all the qi in her body, emptying out every dantian and squeezing out every qi and life force inside her to her animals.  Her body lit up in a black light blinding everyone who stared straight at Akira and Lihua.  The black light engulfed Lihua's body and grew bigger as Akira jumped back, not wanting to touch the black qi that suddenly surrounded her.  The black qi was so dense it felt thick and sticky when it touched Akira's body. 

"What the hell!"  Akira shouted in frustration.  She was so close to killing Lihua and finishing her goal.  So close to taking Takeshi away from Lihua.  So close to winning him back and bringing him back to her. So he could only look at her.  

The black light flashed and glowed as a shiny purple ball of light was soon seen within the black light.  Then a shadow covered the purple light and from the dark qi light stepped out a frightening monster.  

The monster's form was in a human form.  It's black hair was thick and long like a lion, reaching the ground,  the silky hair blew with the with the wind.  From head to toes, was black dragon scales and an orange and black tiger tail could be seen whipping around right and left.  The monster had razor sharp claws on it's hands and toes.  It's phoenix red wings unfolded as the monster roared in freedom.  

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch as the monster appeared before them and within moments, it flew up and disappeared.  Bring with it, the black light.  And with a blur, the black light came back and hit each Red Maiden. As the black blurred light made contact with a Red Maiden, the Red Maiden's body burst into different pieces.  Instantly killing them.  Blood splattering out along with their organs and limbs.  

"Goryō."  Xin whispered as his body shook with fear. " 'Go' meaning honorable.  'Ryō' meaning spirit.  But the true meaning, means vengeful spirit." 

From behind Xin and Ethan the rest of the group finally caught up to them.  

"Lihua?"  Takeshi asked as they all stared at the black light that moved in a blur.  

Ethan pointed to the black light as it moved.  And Takeshi followed Ethan's finger as it moved along with the black light.  Xin and Ethan fell to their knees as they kowtowed.  

"We failed our Mistress, Hell King.  We deserve to die.  Punish us for our failure."  Xin cried out.  

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