Helping Hand

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When Takeshi came back, he sent out 10 Devil's Soldiers to watch the Chen Estate.  Who ever left the estate was to be followed and who ever came into the estate was to be noted.  They were also given the mission of memorizing the schedules of the guards.  They were to keep an eye on every well on the property and keep count on how many times they use the water from the well. 

Takeshi sent word to his brother everyday of the progress and by the third day of no suspicious activity, Kina Nao felt frustrated because he too had no progress on his end.  

"Keep watching them." King Nao tells Takeshi.  

"As my King Brother orders."  Takeshi said.  

"You are dismissed."  King Nao said dismissing him out of annoyance.  

Takeshi left and went back to his estate where he, himself would be visiting the Chen Estate with Lihua to commence his revenge.  


That night Takeshi, Lihua, Xin and Ethan changed into a Devil's Soldier outfit and headed out to the Chen Estate.  When they arrived Lihua pushed her qi into her butterfly and phoenix. She sent her command to them as they flew over the Chen Estate.  They flew over each well, the butterfly unleashing it's poison dust into the well, for a slow releasing poison, while the phoenix dropped her saliva into the well, to burn the victim from within the body.  They proceeded to poison each well and once they were done they flew back tot their Master and back into the place where they belong.    

"Its done." Lihua tells Takeshi.  

"Good.  Lets go back."  Takeshi said as the four of them left.  

"Because of the Crimson Heart Poison, the Sunflower Orchid Poison will activate along with it in 6 months.  Both poisons will build up in their bodies together and once six months are up, the poison will release.  They will feel their body burn from the inside out as well as feel the Crimson Heart Poison attack their brain.  They will all die within minutes."  Lihua tells him.  

"Good."  Takeshi said coldly.  "Seems too good of an ending for them."  

"Maybe, but they deserve whats coming to them."


As the end of the week came, Lihua received an invitation earlier that morning from Concubine Lisa to invite her to the Back Palace for some tea.  Seeing that the Lei have now decided to make their move on her because of her social standing, Lihua accepted the invitation and prepared herself to attend the tea party. 

As she got ready, she paid more attention to herself as she instructed Helen to put on a crown fit for a Queen rather than just hair pins in her hair.  The design of the crown has chrysanthemums and plum blossoms interweaving with each other.  A dragon rested on the chrysanthemum on her left side of her head while the phoenix rested on the right side of her head.  The crown was made out of gold and embellished with pearls and white jade to enhance the the divine animals. 

Lihua wore an all white dress over her white clothes, making sure all her poison markings were covered up and hidden.  The white dress was embroidered with a huge plum blossom tree, from it's roots, at the bottom of the dress to it's tip that ended at the collar.  Only her left sleeve held the same design of the embroidered plum blossom tree, while leaving the right sleeve untouched.  

On her hands she wore several white jade bracelets on each side, however on her right hand had one crimson jade bracelet of pure quality.  Crimson jade were rare, so rare that one crimson jade ring could buy a whole country.  But to have a whole bracelet, meant that Lihua must of meant a lot to Hell King to give her such an enormous and meaningful gift.   

She placed a white veil and a lace veil over her face, covering it before tying it within her hair before putting the crown on.  Once she was finished, her four maids stepped back in awe.  Their Mistress looked elegant and magnificent.  She had a noble quality to her that attracted attention and made you want to obey her. 

When Lihua stepped out of the bedroom, the servants were in the middle of cleaning the living quarters, but stopped when they saw their Mistress.  She didn't need to say anything to attract their attention.  Her aura alone made them stop and stare.  Their hearts swelled up in pride to see the breathtaking vision in front of them.  Upon seeing Lihua, Eli was the first to come back to his senses and went to the study to report to his Master about Lady Lihua.  

By the time Lihua first took a step outside of the building, Takeshi had swiftly moved from the study to her side in a matter of moments.  He held her hand in his as the wind he created made her clothes flutter.  

"My Lady, where are you going looking so enchanting without your husband?"  Takeshi said as he placed her hand around his arm as the keep proceeding towards the gate that lead out of his courtyard.  

"This Lady has been invited to the Back Palace to drink some tea with Concubine Lei and some women.  This Lady just thought that since it is such a nice day, this Lady should join the festivities."  

"Do you not thin my wife dressed up too nicely just to drink tea?"  Takeshi asks. 

"This Lady did not want to lose Hell Kings face in front of others, so this Lady decided to take care of this Lady's appearance as not to shame Hell King."  

Takeshi snorted in disbelief, at her lies.  

"If that is the case, then This King shall accompany this King's Lady Wife to this tea party."  Takeshi said.  "On the way, we should let King Brother know we are visiting and call upon all the Imperial Nephews and Nieces as well as the concubines.  Make it one big family reunion."  

Lihua couldn't help but laugh.  Takeshi making the tea party one big 'family reunion' was him just causing trouble for everyone in the Back Palace as well as his brother, King Nao.  And in an indirect way also causing trouble for Concubine Lei for only extending invitation to some Imperial children and not others.  Thus giving Concubine Lisa a helping hand at her downfall from grace faster.  

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