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"And my men?"

"They've all hidden well and all stayed loyal to you. I shall call them to you and all of them will be present by tomorrow morning."

"Good." Takeshi said as they washed him.

Lihua had left the room after the mention of his men, for she knew there were things he did not wish to discuss in front of her. Instead she walked out of his room and was met with an old woman. Her scowling look did not intimidate Lihua instead it encouraged her to tease the old woman to no end.  

"Pretty maid," Lihua said sweetly. "May I bother you to show me where my rooms are?" 

The old nurse's eye twitch before she turns around and starts to march off to the room next door.  

"Ah, this pretty maid is so nice to show me where my rooms are.  I should praise the Hell King of the efficiency of his servants." 

Who are you to praise our Master!  Nurse Yi shouted to herself.  Why are you hanging around our Master!  What are your intentions with our Master?! 

"Ah, pretty maids everywhere!  Hell King, sure does like to have pretty maid surround him."  Lihua said as she saw more maids waiting in the courtyard, wanting to see a glimpse of his beauty.  

Pretty my butt! Nurse Yi snorted.  

"Pretty maids for a handsome Master. The level of standards here in Hell King's estate is high.  I wonder if his male servants are good looking too?" Lihua said out loud as if she was talking to herself and not to Nurse Yi.  

"Servants are not to be violated!"  Nurse Yi shouted.  She stopped immediately in her tracks as she realized her mistake.  Turning around she apologizes to Lihua.  "Please forgive this servant for misspeaking out of terms."  

"What is there to forgive when Nurse was just stating the truth."  Lihua said.  "Please do not mind me.  My mouth runs easily without thought."  

They both proceed on and Lihua is lead to the room next to Takeshi.  The large room had more than she could ask for and connected to a bathing room as well.  

Four maids were waiting for her in her room and bowed once she arrived.  

"These servants are to serve you for the duration that you stay here in our Master's Estate."  Nurse Yi tells Lihua. "We have been told to fulfill any and all wishes that Miss Lihua asks for." 

"I am quite tired from my travels with your Master, I shall take a nap. You are all dismissed."  

Lihua laid down on the bed and immediately fell into a deep sleep.  She didn't even wake up when Takeshi came into the room to check in on her.  No did she feel his lips on her forehead as he kissed her before leaving.  


At the palace, Takeshi was given the fastest access through the palace gates.  No one stopped him or questioned him as the carriage brought him to the Royal Courthouse were court was still being held.  King Nao had not told any of the arguing minister of the return of his beloved brother.  He wanted to see their faces as the announcement was made.  He wanted to see who was involved in the disappearance of his brother. 

"Before we adjourn this court session, there is an announcement that I would like to make."  King Nao said as he looked at each minister in the room.  Seeing how none of them could look into his eyes, King Nao was satisfied.  "As you know, soon after my crowning ceremony, my brother disappeared without a word or a trace.  This King has sent several search parties out to look for him, but to my disappointment, every search party has come back empty handed.  With every year that he is gone, every year this King feels the emptiness of his presence by my side.  However, this King has received great news, that this King's brother has returned safely."  

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