Wedding Day

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Several delegates from other counties have also came to attend Hell Kings wedding.  Lihua's nerves got to her soon after hearing her servants talk about all the delegates and guests in the great hall. 

"I thought Takeshi said this was going to be a small wedding?"  Lihua said to her maids.  

"It is."  Teresa said as she winds up Lihua's hair into intricate twists then pins them down on to her head with pearl and diamond pins.  

"Then how did it get so big!" Lihua said while staring at Teresa as her heart dropped.  

"In six months, the Phantom Mirage will lift and reveal itself.  The delegates are here to talk to King Nao about the Phantom Mirage Tournament that will be held here."  Clare said as she came around to give Lihua some tea to calm her down.  Talking to her about something else instead of her wedding would distract her.  "Do you know what the Phantom Mirage Tournament is?"  

Lihua stilled herself in shock.  She does know what the Phantom Mirage Tournament is.  Not from the Young Miss Lihua, but from herself.  The Phantom Mirage will lift and unveils itself once every 20 years.  The Phantom Mirage is a doorway to another dimension where terrible and ferocious beast live.  However there are also treasures beyond compare to their world.  The likelihood of dying in the Phantom Mirage dimension is highly likely. 

Each country will send the best martial arts to compete in the tournament to see who is the best.  Depending on which ranking the contestant gets, it will then depend on how many people they can bring into the Phantom Mirage.  First place will get to bring 30 people, second place gets to bring 25 people third place gets to bring 20 people, and fourth place will get to bring 15 people and last place will get to bring 10 people into the Phantom Mirage.  The people they bring with them into the Phantom Mirage are a mix of  their country's best martial artists, teacher, and elders.  

Lihua never got the chance to attend a tournament for she was a shadow assassin of the Lei Clan.  However her last born son, Thorin had the skills to attend a tournament. She would pray everyday when he left for him to be safe and come back to her alive.  When she got news of that he placed third in the competition, she rejoice of his strength, however she knew that the real danger still lied ahead in the Phantom Mirage.  

When word got back to her that Thorin survived the Phantom Mirage and he brought with him several treasures, she cried out of happiness that he came back to her with his life intact. Because out of the 20 people that went with him to the Phantom Mirage, only five came back. However, he did not come back to her the same easy go lucky young man that he was.  He became quiet and dark.  As if what happened in the Phantom Mirage scarred him for life.  He wouldn't talk about it, except the fact that when the Phantom Mirage came around again, he refused to compete and attend the tournament.  He said once was enough.  

Lihua was never a learned individual.  The only thing she ever knew in her life was poison, fighting and killing.   Her life was a shadow assassin,she was to go where her Master wants to go and kill those who her Master wants to kill.  She was never given a chance for a proper education.  So she never learned about the geography of her world.  

But with Young Miss Lihua's education, she knew that the country she is currently living in is called Cara Country.  To the west is the Meya Country and to the North is the Codal Country.  Across the sea, is the Yukah Kingdom and Bido Kingdom.  Her children and grandchildren should still be living in the Bido Kingdom. 

So it came to her as a surprise to her when she realize that when she transmigrated, she didn't transmigrate to a different world, dimension, or time.  She transmigrated to a different country.  Which means she can still see her children and grandchildren.  

Lihua's eyes watered as tears fell.  

"Lady Lihua, why are you crying?!" Clare shouted in concern as she searched for a handkerchief to dry her eyes.  "I just asked you if you knew what the Phantom Mirage Tournament is. What is there to cry about it?" 

Lihua grabbed the handkerchief away from Clare and blew her nose into it.   

"I just realized something."  Lihua said.  "And it made me very happy." 

"What is it?"  Teresa asks.  

Lihua shakes her head no.  "Its between me and Master Takeshi."  

The four girls laugh at their Lady and began teasing her about her vixen ways that caught the attention of their Master.  A knock on the door stopped their teasing immediately as Eli announced through the door that it was time.  

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