Lihua's Rage (4)

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Lihua didn't have to wait long for her to unleash her rage.  After the four of them were done eating and cleaning up, they move on North, hoping to meet up with their group.  Lihua was able to find a field of ginseng and the four of them have been digging up ginseng for the past two hours when her monkeys notified her of an on coming group heading her way.  Lihua looked through the monkey's eyes and saw a huge group of martial fighters from Yukah Kingdom.  

Even though they weren't the people she hope they would be, them being Yukah fighters was close enough for her vengeful heart.  

"Yukah fighters on their way here."  Lihua said as she stood up and brushed the dirt off her hand.  "There are ten of them.  How they found each other so fast, I don't know nor do I care.  They only did us a favor by finding each other so we can kill them easily, rather than hunting them down like the dogs they are."  

The other three stopped digging as they pulled out their swords.  The group of Yukah fighters didn't even try to hide their presence.  All they saw was four people against the ten of them and their ego's boosted knowing that they would win in a fight.  

What they didn't know was that there were lions, a tiger and a bear waiting to kill them as well.  When the Yukah fighters surrounded the four people, they laughed in joy as they thought they surrounded the small group.  But their laughter suddenly stopped when they finally noticed the lions, a tiger and a bear surround them.  

"Kill."  Lihua said as she released her death aura.  "You will find no mercy from us."  

"Die!"  Dai shouted as he was the first to make a move against the Yukah fighters.  

Chiyo screamed out as she charged the people in front of her.  Xin kept quiet as he attacked.  His hate fill heart knew that he couldn't lose control of his emotions.  His training as a Devil's Soldier have taught him better.  

The four of them striked out without mercy.  Without reserve.  Blood flowed freely as the four of them massacred the ten fighters with efficiency.  The Yukah fighters who tried to run were stopped by her lions.  As the animals and the four fighters surrounded the remaining three martial fighters from Yukah Kingdom.  

"If you spare us, we'll let our Prince know of your kindness.  You'll be heavily rewarded."  One of the Yukah fighter said as he looked between the deadly beauty and the stern blond man with a blank face on.  

Lihua refused to answer his plea.  Instead she attacked and ripped a hole into his body as he fell on his knees in helplessness.  With a dagger in her other hand she slit his throat in one fluid movement and pulled out her sword.  When Lihua looked back at her group, they have already killed the rest of the Yukah fighters and Xin was already searching their bodies for hidden treasures.  

Although Lihua's rage have been quench at the moment, she still burned with hatred that buried itself deep within her heart.   


That night they were able to run into five Devil's Soldiers and they have joined along side Lihua and Xin.  After ensuring that their wounds were properly cleaned and wrapped with clean cloths, did Lihua finally let them move out to find a safe place for them to stay for the night. 

Her animal scouts helped her a lot during their journey North.  They warned her early enough for them to prepare themselves to face dangers head on.  Or if the odds were against them, she was able to reroute them away from danger.  

That night she argued with the Devil's Soldiers on keeping watch.  She was too upset to fall asleep, so she suggested for them to rest first.  They, being her guards wanted to protect her, but Lihua won in the end.  One Devil's Soldier would keep watch with her while the rest would cultivate and rest.  The Devil's Soldier would then take turns with Lihua as she kept visual through out the night.  Although Dai tried to argue to help keep watch with Lihua, she knew Dai was more tired then he let on and shot his idea down quickly.  

"Guys!  Rest.  Cultivate."  Lihua said with her hands on her hips.  "I need everyone at 100%.  When I say I'm fine.  I. Am. Fine.  My animals have been helping cultivate the whole time.  I am the most fitted person to keep watch tonight."  

Upon hearing that her animals were helping her cultivate, they finally settled on one Devil's Soldier to keep watch with her and change shifts during the night.  


That night there were no trouble or indicators of beasts following them or being near them.  Lihua had stayed up all night thinking about Chiyo and the horrible experience she went through.  Her heart filled with more hatred as she kept running through her mind the images that she saw as she cleaned Chiyo's body that morning.  

Chiyo had moved away from her sleeping spot, next to her brother and laid down next to Lihua sometime in the middle of the night and finally found some much needed sleep.  Lihua's tiger had made her way to sleep next to Chiyo's body, to give her comfort and lend her some of it's heat. 

When it was Xin's turn to keep the last watch with Lihua, Xin sat down next to Lihua as they stared off into the forest.  

"We'll meet up with Hell King soon." Xin said reassuringly.  "I've known him since we've joined the army together at a young age.  He'll stop at nothing to find you."  

Lihua smiled tightly and nodded her head.  She needed to talk speak to Takeshi and share her troubled heart with him.  But at that moment, she had to be strong and lead the group well.  

"Thank you."  Lihua said.  

"I can only imagine what they did to Miss Chiyo."  Xin said slowly.  "And even then, my anger will not be satisfied until his blood runs dry.  We will get him for her.  His debt will be paid in full."  

 "The Red Maidens must be destroyed."  Lihua said as well.  "I'll bring the whole organization down to it's knees and have them trembling at my feet.  And even then, I won't let them go.  I'll burn them down until the word Red Maiden would be erased from history."  

"The world would tremble with fear as they say your name.  As they fear Hell King's name."  

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