Night Terrors

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Chapter 10

I've been laying awake for a while now just looking at the ceiling thinking of last night. That was one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Travis was freaking me out just standing there and screaming then went back to sleep like it was nothing. I on the other hand struggled to sleep after that.

I sighed and glanced to him still sleeping on my right. I smiled and brushed his curls from his eyes. His hair was getting long now. He sighed and frowned in his sleep so I stopped. He mumbled something incoherent in his sleep and then turned.

I looked to make sure he was asleep again before I slowly and softly got up. I grabbed my phone off the night stand that Nate had left there for me and walked around the bed on my tippy toes not wanting to wake him up. I saw one of his hoodies laying on the floor next to his side of the bed.

I bent down and grabbed it and pulled it over my head. It was so big that it hung down to my thighs, covering the shorts I was wearing. I smiled at how cute and peaceful Travis looked in his sleep. He looked like a young boy again. I couldn't help but snap a photo of him sleeping. I smiled and kissed his cheek before leaving his room.

"Sneaking out?" I turned on my heel to come face to face with my brother. He was crossing his arms over his chest and smirked at me while he eyed me up and down.

"No" I snapped and pushed passed him "I got up and left his room."

"Why were you in there to begin with?" he asked glancing down at me "And why are you wearing nothing but his hoodie?"

"I'm not" I said lifting the hoodie to show him my clothes underneath it "And I was there because I woke up to screaming last night. So I went to look what it was from. Turns out it was Travis and he asked me to stay so I did." I shrugged as I stepped into the kitchen. "Morning Jo."

"Morning Kels. Coffee?" she asked with a smile as she was busy making two cups of coffee.

"I'll have some green tea if he has please?" I asked and took a seat on the stool at the island. I sighed and rested my head on my arms.

"So Travis had a nightmare then?" Nate asked confused. I heard the stool next to me being pulled out.

"I guess" I said shrugging.

"Here you go" I looked up to see Jo handing me a mug with some green tea in it.

"Thanks Jo" I smiled and played with the tag on the string.

"How is he?" she asked as she went to stand between my brothers legs. I smiled at them as Nate kissed her cheek and then looked at Jolene.

"He's sleeping now. Does it happen often?" I asked her dunking the tea bag with the string.

"Yeah. He wakes up sometimes and screams hysterically and other times hes like awake but still asleep and has no idea what he's doing." Jolene said with a frown "I heard him last night too. I was on my way to him but then I saw you were with him so I figured he would be ok. He's different when he's around you."

"He is?" I asked with a frown.

"Yeah. He's happy and calm. Well as calm as Travis can be" she added with a chuckle. I nodded and chuckled with her.

"Let's go sit outside" Nate suggested. Jolene nodded and moved so that Nate could stand up. "Are you coming Kels?"

"Nah. I'm good here." I smiled at them as they left. I sat there staring at the mug in front of me for a while thinking of what it could possibly be that has Travis so wound up that he has frequent nightmares.

"You know if you keep staring at that mug like that it might just crack" I looked up at Travis as he smiled at me walking into the kitchen. I chuckled and took a sip of tea.

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now