Costa Rica

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Chapter 12

"Kels" someone whispered in my ear. I ignored it and just snuggled closer to the warmth coming from my right. My head bobbed a bit as the surface my head was resting on moved. I frowned in my sleep then heard someone calling my name again "Kelsey."

I shivered from warm breath on my ear and neck. I felt someone shaking me lightly and then the person sighed causing my head to go up and down.

"Come on Kels. We're landing." I groaned and opened my eyes and and turned my head to look up. "Well hello there sleeping beauty." Travis smiled down at him.

I didn't reply and just smiled back at him. The smile vanished and turned into an embarrassed look as I saw the position we were in. I had somehow ended up with my body a little turned with my left arm resting across his stomach and my head more on his chest and not his shoulder. What surprised me even more was the fact that his arm was around me holding me.

"Where are we?" I asked confused as I sat up and stretched.

"We're in Costa Rica Kels. You slept through the whole flight." Travis said smiling at me.

"Were you up the whole flight?" I asked him frowning.

"No. I got some sleep in, I woke up a few minutes ago." he said with a yawn at the end.

"Oh. Whats the time?" I asked sitting back in my seat. I glanced to my left to see Special passed out with his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Like just past midnight I think." Travis said leaning his head back against the seat with a tired smile. I groaned and then thought of waking Greg.

"Special. Wake up dude, we're here." I said lightly shaking him. He let out a sigh and then turned his head away from me. "Greg." I said shoving him a little harder. That didn't work so I went for the next best thing. "Oh my god Special! Wake up the plane! The plane its crashing!" I yelled in a panicked voice.

That caught his attention as his eyes shot open and he sat up straight with wide eyes gasping for air. "What?!" he asked bewildered. I covered my mouth with my hand as I started to laugh. Travis was already howling with laughter along with the rest of the guys that was close enough to hear.

"I'm kidding. We've landed though." I said with a shrug.

"Fucking hell Kels" he huffed and sat back into his seat letting out a shaky breath "You gave me a damn heart attack!" he said running a hand through his long curly hair.

"I'm sorry Greg, but you didn't want to wake up otherwise." I shrugged with a giggle. He closed his eyes and took another breath before joining in, in the laughter.

"Kelsey come on, will you guys knock it off. It freaking 1am and you guys are fooling around!" Nate said annoyed as he scowled at me and Special sitting on the luggage carousal going around and around.

"You are no fun Nathan!" I said sticking my tongue out as I went past him.

"Ah, here's the last of my luggage." Travis smiled and grabbed onto my hand. My eyes went wide and then I was flung over his shoulder and all I could see was ground and Travis's ass.

"Trav" I giggled and pushed myself up, or at least try to, against his back.

"Ok come on guys. There's a bus waiting to take us to the hotel." Jeremy spoke over all of us. We groaned and protested but Jeremy just rolled his eyes at us. "The hotel is not that far away from here. Now come on, the sooner you hurry up the sooner we get there and the sooner we can all go back to sleep."

"Ok Trav. You can put me down now" I said giggling.

"So what is the sleeping arrangements TJ?" Travis asked as he put me back down on my feet. He smiled down at me and I gave him a little shove.

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now