Get your head out your ass

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Chapter 16

*Knock, Knock*

I groaned and rolled over in my sleep and reached for my phone. I squinted one eye to try see the time, but the light from my phone was blinding. Who in the hell will be knocking on the door at freaking 1:33am?

*Knock, Knock*

I sighed and rolled out of bed still half asleep to go and see who it was. I swear if it was Nate with another one of his 'I need to talk' speeches I will kill him. He could respect me enough to at least wait until a more suitable hour.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I searched blindly for the door knob in the dark. Once I found it I had to wait a little for my yawn to pass. Once it had passed I opened the door and nearly got a fist in the face as the person went to go knock again.

"Oh uh sorry Kels." He said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck, giving me an awkward smile while I stood there with my jaw practically on the ground and my eyes wide. What on earth was Travis doing here at this time of the morning?

"Travis?" I asked unsure and just to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

"Sorry Kels." He said looking at the ground "I uh couldn't sleep." I opened the door more and pulled him into the room then closed the door so that we didn't disturb the others. I leaned my back against the door with my hands behind my back as I watched Travis take a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Is it the nightmares again?" I asked as I watched Travis battle with something in his head. He linked his fingers together with his elbows resting on his legs. He looked at his hands then at me, debating if he should say something or not. I frowned and pushed off of the door to go sit down next to him. I placed my hand on his arm but quickly took it away as he frowned down at my hand.

"No. Its not the nightmares." He said shaking his head. I was confused as hell and I must admit a little scared. Travis was acting extremely strange.

"Ok" I said slowly "Then what is wrong Trav? You look a little shaken up and its worrying me. Tell me whats on your mind, please Trav." Travis looked at his hands again then sat up and turned to face me. He searched my face for who knows what and then took a deep breath.

"This is on my mind." He said as he put a stand of hair behind my ear and then cupped my face with both his hands as he leaned in and my heart sped up as I completely stopped breathing. His lips met mine and at first I was frozen in my spot with my eyes wide.

Once the shock had passed and I realized that Travis was indeed kissing me, my eyes fluttered closed and my lips moved with his. My hands made their way into his hair and he deepened the kiss as one of his hands went to the back of my neck with the other hands resting on my waist. He pulled me closer to him and onto his lap as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I let out a soft moan into his mouth as I went to straddle his lap.

After a while, Travis broke the kiss and rested his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. He tucked hair behind my ear again as he stared into my eyes. "I love you Kelsey." He whispered against my lips and gave me a soft, tender kiss.

"I love you too Travis." I smiled against his lips as he started to kiss me again. This time I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He moved and then slowly laid me back on the bed without breaking the kiss. He pulled away and gazed into my dilated pupils and then traveled his hand down my body to where my shirt was riding up. His touch sent chills down my spine and made my skin erupt in goosebumps. He slipped his hand under my shirt and I bit my lip as I watched his hand higher and pull my shirt up with it.

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now