⇝ one

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suggestion: listen to
[Dream] by Suzy & Baekhyun

I walked toward the door with two suitcases, one in each of my hands, along with a black backpack. "Alright, this is all. Thanks, dad."

The man in neat, black suit behind me gave me a long stare and said, "Are you sure you will be okay living alone?"

"Yes dad, I'm sixteen and I want to be independent. I can't always rely on you and mom." I placed the suitcases on the side and walked up to him. "Besides, we already moved all my things here." I turned to look at my mom, wishing that she could say something.

"Eunhye will be fine. I think it's a good experience for her." My mom smiled.

He sighed, "Just know that if there's any sort of problem, we're here to help."

"Yes, I know. I will speak up if there's something wrong." I gave my dad a reassuring look, "I am almost an adult, you guys can trust me."

"I do, except for the times where you fangirl over those hot men on your computer screen."

"Mom, don't get me started. Do you not remember the time where you screamed 'Hyungsik is so handsome I want to marry him' when we were watching Strong Woman together?" I raised my eyebrows and smirked at her.

My dad groaned, "Eunhye, we'll leave the rest to you, the bed and shelves are already inside the house. Your mom and I will get going."

"Okay! Thanks for helping me move." I hugged them and they drove off.

Spiral house, what a great place for a single person to live in.


Three hours passed after I finished organizing the entire house. Looking at the outcome, I smiled and clapped. Okay, since it's spring break right now, I have no class for a week, which means there's a week of free time to lighten up the house and maybe go walk around this area. How sweet, I'm gonna hit the supermarket tomorrow. With that thought in mind, I quickly took a shower and rested myself in bed.


Surprisingly, I was wide awake at eight the next morning. I made myself some bacon and egg along with a glass of milk and ate peacefully at the table. Then, I put on my canvas shoes and stepped out the door.

There was a pink haired boy who walked out from his door on my right-hand side almost at the exact same time. Being the antisocial person, I did not go up and greet him though we did make eye contact. He nodded at me with a radiant smile and I kinda just stood there and awkwardly stared at him with a small wave. Well, that was a terrible greeting Eunhye, I said inside my head. No longer thinking about it, I strolled off to the supermarket.

The market was huge, way bigger than I thought it would be. I first grabbed some packs of ramen; and then a few minutes later, I found my cart to be completely filled by cookies, chocolate, ice cream, sushi, strawberry milk, some meat, leafy veggies, everyday products, and other decorative items for my new house.

The cashier greeted me with a wide smile on her face. "We actually have an event recently," she said. "The chocolate that you bought holds this event where you can win a free ticket to the newly opened amusement park. And it's a flash pass, so you basically don't need to wait in line for the rides."

"Oh really?" My eyes kind of glowed, for I was interested in this. "How may I sign up?"

"You just have to tell me your address and phone number. We will call you if you win."

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