⇝ five

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suggestion: listen to
[Kimi ni Todoke] by Tomohumi Tanizawa

It's only been a month, and I became incredibly close with Daniel. I think I bumped into him for about ten times, beside the moments when we saw each other almost everyday at the spiral house of course. Oh also, coincidentally, we both won the raffle for the free ticket to the amusement park.


"Would you call this fate Jeongmi?"

"No honey, it's because you guys are neighbors."



"I guess we can go together then," I said to him as I took out the ticket from my mailbox.

"Yeah, I'll drive us there."

"...You have a car?" I was surprised that he knows how to drive. I mean, he just looks like one of those boys who spend their days in the arcade and only drive race cars. Aside from that, he's only in college, how was he able to afford a car at this age. Yo, he rich. I wiggled my eyebrows weirdly at him.

"Yes I have a car, and no it's just a normal car, not some Lamborghini, even though I wish I own one." Daniel shook his head and looked at me speechlessly.

"! How did you know what I was thinking?"

"It's written all over your face dummy."


It was a Saturday, a sunny Saturday to be exact, and Daniel and I were out to the amusement park. The car ride was long, but Daniel made it less boring. He told some jokes and we sang our way to the destination.

Considering the fact that the park just opened recently, it was packed with people. Fortunately, we have the so-called 'flash pass', basically allowing you to skip everyone and jump to the front of the line.

"I love this place already." Daniel finished the security scan and waited for me. I gathered my things into my bag and followed him, "Me too, I haven't been inside an amusement park for so long!"

"Well, then we must enjoy ourselves today!" He painted a smile on his face and pulled me to the Pirate Ship. It was a 90 degrees one; an intense one.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Daniel asked me before we sat down at the very end of the ship.

"Nope~" I flashed a smile at him. "You should worry about yourself~"

"Psh, c'mon Eunhye, do I look like someone who's scared of these things you?"

The ride began with little swings, and they gradually got larger, to the point where Daniel and I were parallel to the sky and the ground. It felt nice; it's sort of like you're floating in midair, but not really floating. You know what I mean? Like you open your eyes and you see the sky; you don't even need to look up, your body is in the position already. That's probably why I like pirate ships.

Next up we went to the fastest roller coaster in the place. It is 300 feet tall, traveling at the speed of 100 miles per hour, with two giant hoops in between. We were glad that we didn't really eat this morning, or else we would've thrown up.

"That was... extreme..." Daniel panted as he got down. He held out his hand to me so I could walk down safely; I guess I looked a bit dizzy to him.

"Thanks." I rubbed my temple and shook my head.

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