⇝ seven

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suggestion: listen to
[Zen Zen Zense] by RADWIMPS

I chose a pink horse while Daniel sat on the white one next to me. The classical music began and the horses started to rotate while moving up and down. I always love carousels; it was the childhood memory; it was the time where we all want to go back but couldn't manage to do so. Sitting on the horse, emotions crushed over me, in a positive way of course.

"Dani, I just realized that we still don't know each other that well." I turned my head and made a statement that was on my mind for a while. I really know nothing about him besides his name, age, and like, his two friends.

"What do you want to know?" He did his signature smirk and I rolled my eyes. Okay, I know his personality too.

"Like, you said you had a part-time job right? Where do you work at?"

"At this café near the spiral house, I'll take you there next time."

"Alright cool~" I laughed, "Free meal for me!"

Daniel shook his head and jokingly let out a sigh, "All you do is eat everyday, who would want to take you home as wife in the future?"

"That's not something that you need to worry about~ I have people chasing after me." I joked about it too. Like obviously enough, I'm just a potato and who's gonna like me.

Daniel stopped smiling and glanced at me, "Who are the boys after you, I'm gonna fight them."

"???" I looked at him with a speechless face, "Calm down I was joking. And even if, why do you sound like you're jealous?"

"Because I am??" The music ended as he said those words. My brain was a mess, so all I did was climb down the horse and leave the place as quickly as I can.

I ran along with the wind blowing through my hair. Summer nights were warm but there were still little breezes. I arrived at the garden where the fireworks show was held. As I was about to enter, the staff stopped me.

"Miss, you would need a ticket in order to go in."

"Uh," I pointed to my necklace, "Isn't this the ticket?"

"Yes, but you would need to come here with your boyfriend."

Boyfriend, haha. Man, if Daniel is actually my boyfriend.

"Can we go in now?" My left hand was wrapped in a bigger hand as a smoky voice appeared next to me. Daniel smiled at me and I lowered my gaze.

"Indeed." The staff opened the gate, "Enjoy your time."


Daniel and I walked along the stone path with hands locked. I was too flustered to say anything.

"Did I upset you?" Daniel softly asked me; there was some pettiness shown in his eyes.

"No! Of course not!" I subconsciously squeezed his hand as I exclaimed. "It was me. I just-- I didn't know how to react."

"That I'm jealous?"

"Yeah. I mean, why would you be anyways." I looked up at the sky, but Daniel lifted my head up and brought me in the position where I was looking at him.

"Is it not obvious enough?" He gently caressed my cheeks, "I like you."

My brain stopped functioning again. 'I like you', he said.

"I know it's crazy, but ever since the first time we met each other at the spiral house, there hasn't been a moment that I haven't love you."

'I love you', he said.

"I can't endure the feelings anymore. During this entire month, I started to think about you more and more. I can't get rid of the thoughts of you in my mind. They're driving me insane."

'I'm getting insane', he said.

Daniel slightly furrowed his eyebrows and looked intensely at me. "Eunhye?"

I blinked; the corner of his lips raised a little.

"Don't give me that smile," I said. That probably came out really harsh as I clearly saw Daniel's smile vanished on his face.

"Because I'm going to fall for you even more." I wrapped my arms around him. I had the urge of crying, but I held in the water in my eyes. Daniel's scent was like peppermint chocolate; it was like the tranquil surface of the sea. He held on to me tightly as if I was a fragile doll that may break any second.

"I was so scared," he mumbled, "That you were getting mad because of my confession."

"I thought that was the end of our friendship."

"I thought I lost you."

"Don't say that again."

"You gave me a heart attack."

Daniel buried his face in my neck and breathed, giving me chills down my spine. "It tickles," I told him.

"Really?" He smirked and blew on my neck. I tried to push him away but failed. He held me close and I wasn't able to go anywhere.

"You are not running away from me ever again."


At eight, the fireworks show began and everybody cheered. Daniel and I had found a place where there were fewer people and it was much quieter.

"I guess going to a haunted house really brings people closer." Daniel chuckled and watched the different patterns of fireworks in the sky.

I gasped at how stunning they were and questioned him, "Were you scared in there?"

"To be honest, yes. But if I'm not brave enough," he paused, "Who is going to protect you?"

He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I think there's a whole galaxy in Daniel's eyes, and each of the stars resembles a tale. I want to be the first one to read the stories behind his eyes.

We stood there for quite a while as the loud fireworks carried on; I don't remember how long we stayed that way. All I can recall was that the instant he embraced me, I felt like I was holding on to my entire world. No explanation was needed; it happened as if it was the law of nature. The moment we hugged ---the moment we accepted each other--- a pale shimmer emerged in the dark like the fireflies that can only be found at night. Everything continued, everything was alive, yet everything seemed to not matter anymore.


a/n: idk about you but i love this chapter. thank you guys for all the votes and comments! i appreciate them so much! some of them are really funny and i kept on laughing while i was reading them~ ALSO THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY THERE'S MORE HOLDUP

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