⇝ fourteen

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suggestion: listen to
[I'll Be By Your Side] by Coffee Boy

"So what were you going to tell me?" My mom asked while I was on my fourth plate of sushi.

I swallowed the food in my mouth, "Well um, you see, I am pretty old now and it's the summer and the weather is so nice and--"

"What do you want."

"Can I go to Taipei with Daniel?" I stared at her with a genuine look.

My mom sipped her tea, "I'll let you go only if you bring me gifts back."


"Okay then, deal." As my mom said that, Daniel and I high-fived each other.

My dad, who was quietly eating on the side, spoke, "Wait wait, I didn't grant you any permission yet. You can't just go to a place with some random guy."

"Dad, Daniel's my boyfriend, he's not some 'random guy'."

"Ignore your dad." My mom told my dad to be quiet and the latter rolled his eyes.

After Daniel and I said goodbye to my parents, we strolled on the streets for a short while. Daniel told me how I have a lovable and interesting family. Well, of course, or else why would I be so crazy.


Daniel got all the visa and things done, and I listed the things that we should bring on the trip. Seems like some shopping is needed. Today is a good weather, and therefore, we should go shop.

"Daniel, we need to buy some necessities for the trip." I printed out the list from the computer and walked over to Daniel, who was playing games on the bed.

"Okay okay." He stared at the screen intensely and clearly had no desire of going outside.

"Which means we have to go to the mall." I sat down next to him, hoping he would pay some attention.

"Yeah, noooo why would you kill your own teammate!" Daniel screamed at his phone, and I rolled my eyes.

"KANG DANIEL, I SAID WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" I snatched his phone away and pinned him down to bed. He looked at me with shock.

"Daniel," I softened my voice, "We are going shopping or else I'm not lending you my account to play that game again."

Daniel pulled me down next to him and hugged me, "Don't get mad~ Let's go shopping okay?"

"Mhm." I closed my eyes and enjoyed this little moment of peace.


Off we went. After a long-time flight, we arrived at Taipei. I walked outside and breathed --like how those people in drama do it. I have always wanted the travel, yet considering the fact that both of my parents are quite busy, I could not go on vacations.

"I've booked a hotel, we can go place down our luggage and then go somewhere nearby." Daniel was behind me with all the suitcases.

"Mhm, let's go!" We jumped into a taxi and went off.


Taipei is known for their night markets. There are so many different types of delicious food. Daniel and I decided to visit a nearby night market and fill our stomach up.

"Ohhh look at that giant piece of fried chicken." I nudged Daniel as a man holding a piece of chicken that's about five inches wide. "How do people even make that. And how does that fit in their mouth."

"There's this food is called what? Frog egg? But it's not actually frog egg." Daniel tried to read and translate to get the most accurate answer possible. "It would be easier if we come here with Seonho and Guanlin."

"Yes Dani, but they are not here. We are on our own."

So we walked with cups and sticks in our hands. Though it was late at night, there were waves of people coming into the night market. Apparently, there's a live concert as well. Soon, I was pushed away from Daniel by overly-excited strangers.

"Ha.." I sighed and looked around. Daniel didn't pick up his phone, probably because it's out of battery or he didn't hear because the crowd is too loud.

I walked to somewhere with fewer people and waited. I don't really know what I should do at this moment.

Then I heard noises behind me.



a/n: i'm so sorry for not updating cause i was on vacation. this story is also coming to an end soon ;^)

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