⇝ ten

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suggestion: listen to
[5 More Minutes] by Sanchez

I woke up with a chubby stomach. Frick frack badda bing badda boom. I ate way too much these days and summer just started. No, this is not okay; I made my choice and decided that I will go to the gym to workout (not like I'm actually gonna keep it up lol but you know, at least you feel better). I searched online to find the closest gym to my house; there is one located ten minutes away and the ratings are pretty good as well. I pulled out a sports bra and some shorts from the closet, packed my bag with water and towels, and got out of the house.


"Hello miss, is this your first time here?" I entered the building and a man who looked like he's in his early thirties approached me.

"Ah yes, it's my first time here." I scratched my head, not really knowing what to do.

"I see. Don't worry, I'll introduce you to the equipment so you can get a sense of it around here. If you feel like you would want to come here often, feel free to sign up as one of our members. We hold special exercise days and they're pretty fun. Many customers enjoy them." The man smiled and I relaxed a bit.

"Thank you."

I began my exercise on the treadmill. I mean, the best exercise is really just running, right? I ran for about ten minutes and I was sweating (as you can see, I don't exercise often). I got off and drank some water, then moving on to some simple squats and crunches. As I was doing squats, I felt some stares coming from around the room. This is creepy; it felt like I was naked and watched by random men. I stopped the squats and sat down on the bench, trying to avoid any form of eye contact with other people. Unfortunately, a man walked up to me.

"Hey, girlie."

I ignored him.

"Wanna hang later?"

I did not want to speak to him, but he took a mile. He touched my shoulder with his hand! As I was going to burst and fight him, pink hair appeared in my sight.

"Get your filthy hands off her." Daniel slapped the man's hand off and glared at him. "Leave her alone."

The man rubbed his hand and stepped away murmuring some curse words. I thought the small episode just ended like that, but Daniel turned to me and pulled me into some empty hallway.

"Ow Daniel! That hurts!" His firm grip was adding pressure to my arm and it was hurting.

Daniel didn't speak, he just pushed me against the wall, looking irritated. A cold atmosphere rose around him and I was scared. He seemed really mad.


"Do you know what you're doing?" Daniel was on the edge of yelling. "Why are you dressed like this? Do you not know how many dangerous men there are here? What if I didn't see you before? That guy could've just pulled you away, and do you know what might happen next?" Okay, Daniel is yelling at me, and that evoked the anger in me.

"I just came here to exercise, there's nothing wrong with that! My purpose wasn't to seduce those people with what I'm wearing! Why are you the one yelling at me!" I stared into Daniel's flaming eyes. There was no chill between us right now.

"Why? Because you are my girlfriend! Because I care about you! Because you are too beautiful for those people to look at! Because I love you and can't stand the thought that someone else might take you from me!"


My body was suddenly pulled into a strong embrace, and the unspoken words were submerged in the affectionate kiss. Daniel's slightly cold tongue swept over my lips and slid inside, greedily seizing something, exploring every corner. A numb feeling developed inside me; I felt like I was melting. The throbbing sounds of my heart made me forget to resist, and I kissed him back.

After what felt like an eternity, Daniel pulled away and hugged me. I was not over the dizziness left behind from what had happened, my ears were burning red, I want to dig a hole and hide in it. I tried to push Daniel away, just curious to see if he was embarrassed like me, but he hugged even tightly.

"Daniel..." I eventually escaped Daniel's embrace and glanced at him. Hell, he was so red.

Daniel looked away and pouted a little. I don't want to say this but: no matter if it's angry Daniel, dominant Daniel, or cute Daniel, I am so soft for him and hell yeah I am whipped.

I smiled like an idiot and patted his head, in which he looked surprised. But Daniel quickly got back at me and messed up my hair, giving me a smirk.

"Let's go home."


a/n: this chapter is not as long as the other ones but i definitely put a lot of effort into it. it's my first time writing a kiss scene so please tell me where you feel like some changes are needed. the song lyrics honestly match the content of this chapter so well and i just happened to discover it on youtube somehow? idek. but did you guys expect this HOT chapter coming lmaooo ;^))

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