⇝ twelve

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suggestion: listen to
[Why So Lonely] by Wonder Girls

It was kinda late when Daniel and I finished dinner. I helped him clean up the table and he did the dishes.

"Alright Daniel, thanks for today, I'm leaving." I walked toward the door and told him good-bye. When I was about to put on my shoes, Daniel grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't leave, it's raining too much, you can't get home." He nuzzled my hair and said.

I sighed, "Daniel, I live right next to you."

"But you're scared of being alone after the horror movie." Daniel's arms tightened around me.


"Don't leave me." He softly whispered into my ear and I felt the numbness flowing around my body. "Yeah?"

I patted his back, "Okay."


What was I thinking when I said 'okay'? This is not okay. I am sleeping over in a guy's house, well, my boyfriend's house. But that still doesn't make it okay. Why does this feel like we are newlyweds or something? As my mind was filled with those thoughts, Daniel came out from the shower.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with black sports shorts. His hair was wet; the water droplets dripped from his hair to his shirt.

What a boyfriend look. My wig is gone. I am deceased. Like dude, I did not ask to get violated at 9:02 at night alright.

"You're hot." After I finished my sentence, I realized what I said and cursed inside my head for the embarrassment I've caused myself to be in.

"Thanks, I know." Daniel laughed and I kicked him in the butt.

"Stop being so narcissistic!" I pretended to sound like an annoying little girl.

"But it's a well-known fact."

"Okay, you win."


"So... How are we doing this?" I looked at the one and only bed inside Daniel house. "It's okay, I can sleep on the floor. You have enough blankets to make a fort."

Daniel glanced at the blankets on the floor and looked back at me. "How can I let you sleep on the floor? You're sleeping on the bed."

"But I don't want you to sleep on the floor." He's the owner anyway.

Daniel smirked, "Then we can both sleep on the bed."

"But it's a twin size bed?"

"Exactly." ;^))))

I rolled my eyes, "This conversation is so unhealthy. I'm just gonna sleep on the floor."

"Nope." Daniel carried me up and put me down on the bed. "Lights off, sweet dreams."

We were in such an awkward position since the bed was so small. I can feel Daniel's body heat; he was warm. I feel asleep pretty fast because everything around me smelled like Daniel, and it was just so soothing and calming to have Daniel around. In my sleep, I saw Daniel looping his arms around me and pulled me closer. I saw him kissing my forehead. I saw him saying 'Good night, baby'.


I felt something heavy on my body as I woke up to the light shining in through the windows. I tried pushing it away, but it did not move at all. Only it was until later when I realized that it was Daniel. He slept like a koala.

causerie ⋆ kang danielWhere stories live. Discover now