⇝ three

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suggestion: listen to
[If I Get Drunk Today] by Suran

"So... didn't expect to see you in here." Daniel broke the five minute silence that we had.

"Yeah... I happen to have a lot of work..." I scratched my head, not daring to look at him. From the corner of my eye, I could see he angled his mouth as he went back to focus on his paper.

Not blanking out anymore, I began my chemistry paper, and I have almost no idea of how to answer the question given because I am just terrible in chemistry (maybe because I am just purely stupid lol). Reading and rereading, I decided to ask the person next to me.

"Hey, uh Dani." Still, I hesitated a bit, then poked his arm with my pen.

"Hmm?" Daniel turned around and looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Do you perhaps know how to do this question?" I showed him my paper.

"How do you not know this?" He put on a mocking face and I slapped his arm.

"I suck at chem. And you're in college, you're suppose to know this stuff."

"Anyways, steam obvious has more energy at 100 degrees Celsius compared to water."

"I got that part, but like why?"

"Okay, so basically when water reaches its boiling point, the water molecules absorb enough energy for them to separate themselves from the restraint of the repulsive energy. Then the distance between the molecules begins to increase, and water transforms from its liquid state to water at gaseous state, which is also known as steam..." I was staring at him rather than listening to what he's saying. "Eunhye..."

"Yes I am listening~" I flashed a smile at him, and he couldn't help but raised the corner of his lip.

"Take note of what I'm saying you dumbo." He hit me lightly on the head with his pen.

"Ow, Daniel you can't just call a girl 'dumbo', at least call her a 'dummy'." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, dummy Eve," he patted my head. "Steam basically has more energy than water because it has the energy of evaporation."

I was flustered by how he just touched my head and messed up my hair. Holy mother of cheese puffs I think I am drunk.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" He made sure I was okay before going back to his math problems.

"Yeah, thanks." I fixed my hair and blushed my way through the two hours we spent at the library.


It was a little past five when we cleaned up our things and got ready to go home.

Did I just say 'home'?

It's spring, so the sky was still clear blue, with some clouds here and there. The wind was soft and it wasn't humid at all; I love this type of weather. I closed my eyes and slightly smiled.

"You seem like you're in a good mood today." Daniel was walking next to me with his cap in his hand. "How are your classes going?"

"They're alright. I just had a test today in math." I sighed, "I suck at chemistry so much! Like it's my lowest grade right now."

"What do you have in chem?"

"Like an 88."

"That's not that bad." He slapped my back, "I thought you'd have a 60 or something."

"My parents would kill me if I do."

"Still not as good as me~" He gave me a crooked smile. "Right now you are listening to a straight-A student talking to you."

I have rolled my eyes way too many times, up to the point where I kinda just gave up. "Wow you're so good clap clap bravo!" I tried to sound as sarcastic as I could.

Being the annoying person he is, Daniel smiled and put his cap on me. "Thanks dummy Eve~"

"Ugh, would you stop calling me dumb. I'm gonna become more stupid if you keep on saying that." I fixed the dragging cap on my head, "And why is your head so big?"

"Maybe because I'm like seven inches taller than you, so obviously I have a bigger head?"

"You ain't that tall." I looked at him and regretted what I said instantly because I am only up to his neck.

"Hmm did you say something?" Daniel started walking towards me and towered over me.

Okay, he is tall, and he's got wide shoulders.

"You're tall, now can you distant yourself a little?" I felt my face heating up again, so I sort of shoved him away while trying to calm down. However, he didn't move.

"!!! Daniel! What are you doing!?" He walked closer as I backed up. We were back at the spiral house, and he guided me to the door.

Daniel's face was dead serious like if he told me he's some kind of psycho right now, I would believe him.

"Daniel..." My breathing was getting quicker as he leaned towards me.

Okay, that's it. I shut my eyes.

He took off the cap from my head and whispered 'boo' in my ear. The soft and warm breath of his made my ear itch.

"Hahahahahaha Eunhye, look at you~" Daniel laughed with tears almost coming out from his eyes. "How cute~"

I opened my eyes, only realizing that I got fooled. Eunhye, why would you close your eyes adsheudjwkdbke!!!! It's like you're hoping for something!!!!

"You're so childish...!" I commented him as he was still laughing.

"Just a small revenge of scaring me in the library~" He winked at me and went back to his house.



Kang Daniel you piece of crappy sunshine why would you do this to my heart.


I will never admit that I got the thought of wanting to protect her when she was against the door.

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