⇝ eleven

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suggestion: listen to
[You Are So Beautiful] by Eddy Kim

"The rain is not gonna stop any sooner." I opened the curtains and sighed. I was awake at seven in the morning because of the loud thunder outside the windows; it seems like it will continue to rain for another couple of days. There was no sign of me going back to sleep, so I made myself some small sandwich and began to watch random YouTube videos. A short while later, I saw a text notification on my phone; it was from Daniel.

- are you awake yet?

I slightly smiled and replied right away.

- been a while

I waited for another text from him, but instead, I got a phone call.

"Hey..." Daniel's voice was deep and raspy, and that led to me imagining a bunch of stuff in my head.

"What's up?"

"You wanna come over... It's gonna rain for like another week... And it's unfortunate that we can't go on dates... And it's boring without you..."

I could hear him whining on the other side of the phone. "Of course. Give me some time, I need to wash my hair. You can order some food first."

"Okay, I'll be waiting."


I dried my hair and walked into Daniel's house in pajamas-- a plain t-shirt and shorts.

I looked around Daniel's house, which is not quite different from mine, but he had more gaming posters hanging around his wall. We walked up to his room, and I sat on the floor, across from the TV. Daniel disappeared for a while and came back with a tower of snacks, blankets, and pillows.

"You live by yourself, why do you even have so many blankets and pillows?" I wrapped myself in one and questioned.

"Just preparing for the day when you come over." Daniel winked as he pulled out a bunch of DVDs.

I had the urge of slapping him. "You can stop talking, that would be much appreciated."

"Admit it, Eunhye, you are delighted to hear that, don't lie to yourself" he smirked. "Which one do you want to watch?"

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine with any, you can choose the movie."


The screen lightened up with three letters: [SAW].

"We are watching a horror movie?" I opened a bag of pretzels and said, "Under this type of eerie mood?"

The lights were off since it was the day and we didn't really need it to be open. But you know, we are living by ourselves, even if Daniel's not scared, I would be when I go back to my house-- alone.

"You said you're fine with any~" Daniel pinched my cheeks and smiled; he was sitting down next to me, wrapped up in a blanket as well.

Alright, to be honest, [SAW] is more of gore and not horror, but you know, it's kinda disturbing to see those bloody scenes on TV, and there are six more movies following up the plot.


"Hmmmm, I am so..." I stretched my arms and noticed that I was in a strange place. Blue blankets and bed sheets, these were not mine. But it smelled like peppermint chocolate—it smelled like Daniel. I looked to the side and saw Daniel staring right back at me.

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