⇝ two

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suggestion: listen to
[You (=I)] by Bolbbalgan4

It was fifteen minutes till six the next day as I finished preparing dinner. I really didn't make much though, there were just some barbecued meat with lettuce, chicken noodle soup, and the sushi I bought previously from the supermarket. The doorbell rang and I hurried over, expecting to see one person rather than three.

"Hello! Neighbor!" A tall, handsome guy walked in and greeted, following him was a shorter boy that looked about my age, or even younger.

"Hi noona, we heard there's food so we came. Sorry for the sudden intrusion." The younger kid spoke to me with a cheeky smile.

"Awww don't worry about it, there's beyond enough food for you~" I patted his head and smiled like an idiot. I always wanted a younger brother, but unfortunately, I am the only child in the family.

Daniel walked in last and closed the door, I walked over to him, "Would you like to explain this Dani?"

"They are good people," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I got that part. But about the fact that we just met yesterday and don't know each other that well yet, not to talk about another two brand new people."

"That's our fault," the tall boy said, "We invited ourselves over, sorry about that."

"Oh no no, it's alright. I'm just... not really used to it yet."

He smiled, "I'm Ong Seongwoo, and that kid is Lee Woojin." He pointed at the young boy, who was already stuffing his mouth with sushi, "We live right next to you."

"I'm Eunhye, and wow."

"Yeah, Seongwoo hyung lives in number 4 and Woojin lives in number 3." Daniel introduced, "We are all neighbors."

"Wait, does Woojin live by himself too?" I questioned them; he is too young to live alone, he's only fourteen.

"Yeah," the boy turned his head from the plate of sushi, "But Seongwoo hyung is my cousin, and my parents are not in Korea, so that's why."

"Ohhhh," I said as I seated Daniel and Seongwoo down, "Feel free to eat whatever you want."

"We'll treat ourselves~" Seongwoo laughed and went straight into eating.

Daniel saved some meat from their mouths and placed them in my plate.

"Thanks, Dani."

"Dani!" Woojin exclaimed with noddles in his mouth.

"What's wrong with it?" I was confused.

"Hyung doesn't let people call him Dani," Woojin rolled his eyes at Daniel. "He said it's too 'feminine'. I'm surprised he wasn't against you calling him that."

"Oh ho~~~" Seongwoo had a smirk on his face, "Daniel you wanna explain something here?"

For whatever's sake, I don't know if I was imagining things or it actually happened, but I saw Daniel's ears turn red...? He looked down and told Seongwoo to stop talking, I pretended like nothing happened and laughed it off.

I mean it was only two days, what could possibly be developed?


"Thanks for the food today Eunhye, we had a great meal." Seongwoo burped and Woojin slapped him.

"Thank you noona."

"No problem no problem, it was nice knowing you guys~" I smiled as we all walked outside. "You guys are welcome anytime, unless you know, when I'm not home."

"Yay, we don't have to eat Seongwoo hyung's poorly cooked noodles anymore!" Woojin cheered and Daniel laughed.

"I make great food alright, be quiet kid." Seongwoo rolled his eyes and dragged Woojin back to their houses, which were a few feet away. "Bye Eunhye~"

"Bye bye~"

Daniel was still standing there, staring into space. I interrupted him and asked him if he has classes tomorrow, which he said 'yes'. So I told him it would be better to rest earlier, and he walked back to his house. Before he went inside, he yelled 'good night' to me. I giggled and said the same back.


A week passed in the blink of an eye. I basically hung out with them three the whole week and got to know them even more. So in my opinion, this Woojin kid seems to like Daniel more than his actual cousin, but Seongwoo doesn't look like he minds. They are all very hilarious and talented people, as I saw and heard them dance and sing.

It was Monday, and that means going back to school for me. I'm a second year in this high school, which is only a fifteen-minute bus ride from the spiral house. It was late May, and I was busy with my papers and projects. I decided to go to the nearby library after school today to work on the chemistry paper that I had been stuck on for days.

The library was loud and packed with people, maybe because of the upcoming finals and AP exams. I squeezed my way through the main entrance and to the tables, not finding any empty seats. Upstairs was filled with people as well, but a little bit better. I looked around and saw a distinct hair color, which I knew who it was, so I walked to the rare empty seat next to him.

Daniel had a serious face on; he was writing up some statistics term paper, which I had no idea about a word he put down. He was really focused and my sly side popped out: I wanted to scare him a little.

And I did.

I placed my bag down in the seat and went behind his back. I tapped his shoulders and blew into his ear. "Boo."

He quivered and seized my wrist, which I did not expect, and pulled me forward as he turned his head.

Yes, it was awkward.

No, he did not let go.

We stayed in that position for more than ten seconds, which felt like a decade, and my face started to heat up. He quickly let go of me and I sat down next to him. He murmured a 'sorry' and I didn't reply since I couldn't recover from the incident that happened literally just now.

Daniel's face was really close, up to the point where I could see the smoothness of his skin. His glinting eyes are café colored, and they look like they are mixtures of milk and coffee. His monolid eyes seem to have some kind of magic that allure whoever stares into them. Ah, his red lips, I can't promise what I would do if that incident lasted ten more seconds.

I turned to Daniel, only seeing that his ears were burning as well. I snickered, at least it's not just me. There's this thing that Daniel does when he blushes (even though I only saw him blush twice), where he pouts a little and stares down. It's the cutest thing ever.

Lol, I think I am starting to fall for this guy.

It's just a week in but,

I think I like him.

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