⇝ four

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suggestion: listen to
[Wonderland] by kurima

"He is such a tease! Like do you know what he did? He fricking pushed me to the door and leaned closer and then I closed my eyes but he was just taking off the cap on my head! And he said it was 'a small revenge'. Like literally my heart was about to explode right there on the spot." I called my best friend and complained about Daniel to her even though I was suppose to tell her how my new house is. But you know, gossiping is a human being's fourth instinct, so whatever.

"He sounds like a cute person to me~" Jeongmi laughed on the other side of the phone. "I mean maybe he likes you, or else why would he do something like that. Unless he's a fuckboy."

I rejected that idea, "Nooo, he's really nice and funny. And for the two weeks that I've been here, I've never seen any other female besides me."

"But he's four years older right? It's rare for someone in college to have never been in a relationship before." She said and I nodded in agreement. "Unless he's really waiting for that significant other to enter his life lololol that would be very genuine."

"Either way he's not a fuckboy."

"Alright Eve whatever you say~" Jeongmi paused and said, "You wanna go see a movie today? 'Sinful' just came out in theaters and we should go watch it!"

"Wait really? It's out? Yooo can we actually go?"

"There's one at two! We can go to that one!"

"Oh my god, okay, I'll see at two then."

"I can't wait!"


"Wow, the plot was so good. I did not expect the main character to be the assassin." Jeongmi gasped and I nodded.

"Like honestly who would think the main character is the bad guy." We walked toward the toy machine in the cinemas and popped out some coins.

I love this kind of thing, but every time I play, it would be a waste of money because the claws are too loose and I am never able to get a stuffed animal out of it. Though I always give it a try when I see one because you just never know. What if I'm lucky?

This one apparently is a new machine, there were so many cute toys inside. I saw a peach with a wide smile in there; okay, I'm getting that one.

I inserted two coins in the machine and focused. I like that peach, I'm gonna get it.


"Lmaoooooo Eunhye, you missed the peach miserably." Jeongmi laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Psh shut up Jeong, I am definitely gonna get that." I put two more coins in there.

Again, I failed.

"Ahhhh I really want that one..." I whined. I actually like that peach a lot.

"Eunhye ah," a familiar voice came up to me and I turned around.

"Oh? Daniel? How come you're here?" I didn't expect to see him here, for that I thought he had his work shift today.

"Why are you here?" He smiled and asked me the same.

"Watched a movie with my friend." I grabbed Jeongmi, who was frozen, over to my side. "This is Jeongmi, my best friend."

"Hello! I'm Daniel." Daniel smiled and greeted her.

"Hey! Wait... You're Daniel!" Jeongmi exclaimed and I knew exactly what she was gonna say next.

"Jeongmi!" I quickly covered her mouth and she was trying to grasp for air.

"Hm?" Daniel looked at us funnily and had no idea what we were doing.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured him even though it didn't sound so reassuring.

"Okay, I guess." He turned to the machine, "Seems like you have some trouble with it."

"You think you can get it?" I raised my eyebrows and asked him.

"Just watch." He smirked at went off to the machine. There seemed to have some magic going on as for the claws just behaved like they were his own. The peach was in between the metal pieces and dropped into the slot.

"What the heck Daniel, how!" Jeongmi and I both gasped as it was just so unbelievable to watch, or maybe we just suck at this.

"I told you~" Daniel placed the stuffed peach in my hands. "Not only you're talking to a straight-A student, but also a great gamer."

"UGH Daniel, does this even count as a game?" I jokingly slapped him and he caught my hands.

I blushed a little.

Watching us two, Jeongmi secretly smirked, "I'm gonna go first~ I still have work to do~ See you guys some other day~" And she left.

"Bye Jeong~" I tried to escape Daniel's grasp but I failed to do so.

"Daniel let me go."

"Nope." He flashed a smile at me.

Ugh, those smiles again.

"Daniiii let me go." I try to sound more obeying so he would let go, but he still didn't.

"Not a chance Eunhye." He dragged me to the escalator and we went down with locked hands.

It was warm today, so even though it's nighttime already, it did not feel cold at all. Still, maybe it was because Daniel was holding my hand.

"Daniel can you please let go of my hand."



I thought of an idea.

I turned to Daniel with sparkling eyes and he looked at me weirdly, "What are you up to."

I laughed in my head as I said, "Daniel oppa~ Can you just let go of my hand?"

"!!!" He stopped there and looked at me shockingly. Using this time, I took my hand out of his. Phew, freedom.

"Daniel are you alright?" I asked him since he was still standing there, frozen like ice. I noticed that there were some red clouds that rose on his cheeks.

Oh my god, I thought to myself, he's blushing. This is funny, I want to laugh, but it's so cute, lmaoooooooo what do I do, I can't control my face anymore.

"HAHAHAHA Daniel, are you blushing?" I laughed and slapped him on the back. "You are so rrrrrred~"

He pouted a little, "Shut up Eunhye, I'm not blushing."

"Yes, you are~" I poked him, "Our Daniel is blushing~ Woooooo~"

He rolled his eyes at me. With the redness still present on Daniel's face, he took my hand once again and we ran home.

Daniel why are you like this.

But I like you because you're like this.



Daniel's mind: adshjebdidbrbjdnwbe she called me oppa wtf why did she do that all of a sudden i think i'm gonna explode the way she looked at me oml that was so cute man eunhye is rude af


a/n: thank you guys so much for the reads and views and comments ;-; i am more than grateful. i know this story is sort of cheesy but ;-; hope y'all don't mind

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