⇝ fifteen

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suggestion: listen to
[Butterfly] by BTS

"Daniel?" I called out again, wishing to hear an answer. I was in a dark alleyway and I would not say that I am in a positive situation right now.

"Hi little girl~" A distasteful voice slowly approached and I would not say that I am in an optimistic situation right now.

"You seem to be alone." Another man's voice, I thought. I looked around and try to find myself a way to escape, but it was nearly impossible since it was really dark and there was no way out unless I get myself past the two men.

"Don't come near me." I tried to sound tough, but I couldn't hide the fact that my legs were trembling due to fear.

The men clearly ignored my words as they were having their own conversation, about whether they should kill first or do some undescribable things first. I held on to my phone tightly and backed up as they walked closer.

Right, my phone.

I hid my hands behind my back. My phone was always fingerprint lock, and I have a habit of turning down the brightness. Praying that the men won't see me call, I tried to remember where the phone icon was and tapped the most recent number.

Daniel, please please please, pick up.

I realized how I always cause Daniel so much trouble, and how he was the one who always comes in time and saved me. He would come, anytime, anywhere, and he would always know where I am. I'm sorry Daniel. I don't want to leave you. I want to be with you. I want to see your face every day when I wake up, and every night when I go to sleep. I want to laugh with you, cry with you, spend my entire life with you. I don't know how I could thank Daniel for all the things he did. Maybe I should be the one who runs to him this time. I should save myself, for my own sake, and for his.

The faint 'Eunhye' came through the phone, and I knew Daniel was there, so I began to speak, "What are you guys trying to do to me?"

"What we are going to do? What do you think?" One man smiled viciously, "What can we do in this dark place when no one's around?"

The other man continued, "Think about the movies you have watched, what do people normally do in an isolated place with no lights?"

The men started to laugh and I hope that was enough information for Daniel. It was a night market overall, where in the world would a place with no lights and only walls be at a night market? At the very end, near the restroom perhaps.

"Well, there is no one here, and you know I can't escape. So why don't we make a deal?" I tried to stall time.

"Oh? What kind of deal?"

"I'll give you money, however much you want, but you'll have to let me go." This is all bs, how would I have money. If I did, I would've bought ten whole sets of BTS's new album already.

"You think we are stupid? Just let you go? How would you even have any money on you?"

"Maybe my parents are rich, you never know that." We were basically going in semicircles right now. I think I've provoked the men, that was not wise, but, I don't know otherwise.

"We've had enough talking, let's get down to business."

The two men walked directly towards me, and though I tried to run towards the only opening of the walls, they caught me easily. One man pinned me down against the wall and the other started to strip and unbuckle his belt. Fuck, I thought, the only man without a shirt that I want to see is Daniel, not some random ass in the alleyway.

"Look, she was calling the whole time!" The man who was holding onto me snatched my phone and threw it on the floor. "You whore!"

"Fuck you!" Using the time where the grip was loose, I kicked the man in the crotch and stood up, running away as fast as I can. The man whom I kicked lied painfully on the ground whereas the other one came after me.

I ran as fast as I could. The man was close to catching up to me as I encountered a familiar face with police behind him.

"Daniel!" I ran straight into his arms. All my fear from before seemed to explode at this time. I held onto him tightly. My legs were weak and I couldn't even possibly stand without Daniel's arms around me. "Daniel, Daniel..." I kept on mumbling his name.

"Eunhye, you're okay... Thank god you're okay..." He patted my back continuously. "I am so sorry Eunhye, I should've come earlier, you shouldn't have to go through all that. Eunhye I am so sorry, it's all my fault."

"Daniel..." I quietly spoke with my face buried in his chest, "You never have to be sorry. I was the one who got lost, I was the one who got myself into all this, not you. You were never at fault."

"I could've picked up your calls earlier and—"

I cut him off, "It was never your fault. You always saved me from things, and you were always so accepting even though I was literally an idiot and caused you so much trouble in the past. You were the one who was looking after me. Don't apologize, I am the one who should. I am so sorry Daniel. And thank you, for everything."

"Eunhye..." The embrace got tighter, "Thank you for everything."


The police caught the two men. Daniel told me he got my call and immediately dialed the police on the public phone. They traced my number and found out where I was, and they were on their way when they saw me running.

That night, Daniel and I went back our hotel room and spent the whole night talking. We told each other what was on our minds, we told each other everything about ourselves, we confessed our thoughts. It was like one of those casual talks between old friends. In the end, Daniel told me:

"You existence is the best hint of stars."


Daniel and I planned to go bungee jumping today. Yes, bungee jumping, the day after I nearly got raped by some random ass.

"Honestly Daniel, what is your problem?" I tried not to roll my eyes as we get in line, "Bungee jumping?"

"What? I'm trying to bring you out to relax. You'll feel like the world is hugging you when you jump. It's going to be beautiful."

"It wouldn't be if I fall into mother nature embrace and like, you know, pass out on the spot."

"Don't curse yourself."

The staff tied all the safety stuff on us and brought us to the edge. The board we are standing on right now is really high, I could only see the ocean below us.

"Are you guys ready?" The staff was holding on to the rope, "If you two are, then I will let go."

"Wait, uh, can we jump ourselves?" The staff nodded at Daniel and backed up. Daniel and I were standing at the edge.

He looked at me and pulled me into his arms, "Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath, "Yeah."

"So in three... Two... I love you!" Daniel screamed and jumped. The gravity pulled and our heads were down. I felt like I was going to die, but when I noticed, we were already swinging around. We were hugging each other so firmly, and we were never going to let each other go.

"Daniel..." I tried to speak.


"I guess I am hugging the world."


a/n: i'm sorry if this chapter didn't make any sense to you guys and i'm REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry that i haven't updated this book in like a month. school started and i got really busy with my schedule. but this is the last chapter! and i hope you guys enjoyed reading this book!!!! stay tuned for my new stories, if i ever get down to write another one lol

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