⇝ eight

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suggestion: listen to
[From Now On] by Kim Min Seung

"Oh my god, that's so sweet what the frack. You're not allowed to show off your boyfriend in front of a loner like me." Jeongmi, my friend, rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone. "But congrats! I told you he was a great person."

"I love him," I smiled like an idiot, "And I'm not saying that Daniel gives the best hugs but that's exactly what I'm saying." I picked out a perfect spring outfit and put them on.

"Pppft, Eunhye you read too many fanfics."

"I'm gonna go to the internet café today, Yeonji told me to go on League to play ranked with her." I tied my shoes and walked out the door; it's sunny today.

"Okay okay, have fun~"



As I reached the internet café, Yeonji was already in her old spot and screaming at the computer. I shook my head and sat down next to her, waiting for her to finish her game.

"Aish Eunhye ah, I lost my promotions again...." Yeonji made a crying face and pouted.

"Because you suck." I rolled my eyes, "Why would you go in when you were low health and without your ult? Obviously that dude was gonna jump on you."

"OKAY OKAY I know I suck, that's why you're here to carry me!" She grabbed my arms and gave me a cheeky smile. I logged on to my account and started playing with her.

"Ayyyyyy Eunhye ah my rank finally moved up! Couldn't have done it without you!" Yeonji exclaimed as I made a proud face. "I'll treat you today! There's a café near here and I heard their matcha cake is really good!"

"And I want a mango mille crepe~" I raised my eyebrows and she nodded.

"Whatever you say~"


The café's design is really pretty; it has a small wooden door that leads to a surprisingly larger space inside. There are fairy lights hanging around and it's just a really cozy place in general. We sat down near the window and a waitress approached us.

"Hello~ What would you like today? Out specials are matcha cake and strawberry mochi." She handed us the menu and smiled.

"We would like a matcha cake and a mango mille crepe," Yeonji said, "Anything else you want?"

"Let's get a plate of strawberry mochi," I smiled at the waitress.

"Great, and what would you like to drink?"

"I'll have a Thai iced tea and..." I looked to Yeonji and waited for her to pick out her drink.

"I'll take a lemon iced tea~"

"Sweet," the waitress retrieved the menu, "The food will be brought to you in a few minutes."

As we waited patiently for our cake, I told Yeonji about Daniel's confession recently.

"Oh ho~ You finally got yourself a boyfriend!" She seemed more excited that I was, for that she always nag me about not having a boyfriend.

"Yeah, he's amazing." I looked down and smiled. For sure Daniel is the most amazing person you can ever find in this world.

"So... You need to bring him out someday, and Jeongmi and I will ask him some questions to make sure that he's a decent guy and someone who you can rely on. Oh oh, we can even go on a double date! I should show you my boyfriend too lmaoooo~"

"I will I will~"

The food came and we began eating. Like how Yeonji said, the cake was really good. I need to come here next time with Daniel. Oh wait, Daniel said he works in a café too, maybe he knows about this place?

As I was thinking, a person came over to our table and placed down two boxes of cupcakes, though I didn't look up since I was still busy eating. I heard Yeonji saying that we didn't order them and the boy said 'my treat'. I suddenly recognized the voice and threw my head up in shock.

"Man, Kang Daniel everywhere." I pretended to be annoyed and rolled my eyes, "I see you every day and if that's still not enough."

"Eunhye I know you want to see me," Daniel smirked and then turned to Yeonji. "Hello, I'm Daniel, Eunhye's boyfriend."

"Oh!" Yeonji exclaimed. "I am Yeonji, Eunhye's friend. I heard Eunhye talk about you before! Actually... just now!" I facepalmed. Oh my Yeonji, don't say anything weird please...

"Oh? What did she tell you?" Daniel sat down next to me and ate a piece of my cake. MY CAKE!

"She told me how she loves you soooo much and how wonderful you are~" Yeonji laughed and I buried my head in my arms. Haha, goodbye world, I'm dying due to embarrassment.

"Oh wow~" Daniel patted my head, "She doesn't say it directly to me though." I know he was all whiny and stuff, as he did mention it to me before on how I don't really express my feelings that well.

"Oh ho~ Eunhye ah, you need to be more straightforward, say whatever is in your head!" Yeonji continued on laughing and Daniel joined her. "Yeah Eunhye, I'm your boyfriend, you know you can rely on me."

I put my head up and looked at the two, "Yeah I will... Also, the cookies?"

"Just a gift," Daniel smiled, "And today's my treat."

"But..." I wanted to say something along the lines like 'I'm financially independent' or 'I can pay myself', but Yeonji kicked me under the table and gave me a death stare. "Uh, I guess I'll gladly accept it."

"Thanks, Daniel!" Yeonji looked at me and smiled.

"Great." Daniel then stood up and went back to work.


After Yeonji and I left the café, we went to do some shopping and split up until it was seven. Hmm, is Daniel off work yet? I called him and he told me that he will be home by eight. An idea popped into my mind: make dinner for Daniel. The last time he ate what I made was when we first met. And since my mom gave me some new recipes, I decided to give it a try. I smiled and hopped my way to the market.


Daniel returned to the counter as two guys walked over and nudged him. "Girlfriend?"


"Ohhhhh Daniel hyung got a girlfriend!"


"First love! Daniel hyung I'm so happy for you, you're finally not single anymore."

"Shut up, Seonho!"

"Pft Daniel hyung you're not fun. I'm gonna go find Guanlin."


a/n: sorry for the late update i lost track of time oops. ANYWAYS YAY WANNA ONE okay i'm happy about the lineup but i'm also pretty sad ;-; but since they're debuting! i got a new story idea that i will write over the summer (it's prob gonna be a short one though i don't really know actually lmaooo but it's definitely fluff/romcom), tell me who you want the main character to be!! do you guys still want it to be daniel or someone else like guanlin (cough cough personal feelings i love him lmaooooo) or ??? comment to let me know!!! thank you guys so much for the votes!!! ;^)))) this story is almost reaching 12K woooooooo

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