⇝ thirteen

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suggestion: listen to
[Dinosaur] by AKMU

It was only me and Daniel left in that corner. Daniel carefully looked at me from head to toe and asked if I was hurt.

"I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me." I talked in a casual tone, hoping he wouldn't get too worried.

"You're not 'fine', they were trying to hit you. Have you ever think about what could've happened if I didn't make it to you in time?"

"Well," I looked at him, "They said they were going to ruin my face."

"How can you just brush it off like that? Eunhye, you need to tell me all this kind of stuff that's happening to you. I don't want you to get hurt." Daniel was very concerned about this --a bit too sensitive.

"I am fine. This is the only time that something like this has ever happened to me. You don't need to worry about it too much." I wanted to reassure Daniel. His eyebrows were narrowed and he looked frustrated.

"Eunhye," he sighed and stared at me in the eyes, "You can trust me. Don't keep everything to yourself, I am here for you. It's like, you seem to be able to clean all these sort of problems up by yourself, and sometimes I feel that I'm not needed." Daniel looked heartbroken and I felt so horrible. I was the one who made him like that.

"Daniel, I don't want to stress you with my problems," I said in a soft tone.

"You're not troublesome, Eunhye. I never thought of you that way before nor will I ever do in the future." He grabbed onto my shoulders, "You don't have to be so strong, you can rely on me a bit more."

"Daniel..." His words broke me in the most beautiful way possible. The walls I've built around myself shattered, revealing the very embodiment of light --Daniel.

The water in my eyes was out of my control and soon, I was in floods of tears. I cried, I cried so much in his arms.

"I need you, Daniel. I need you so much. Please don't ever leave me."

"I will never. I love you."


Daniel and I are basically soulmates now. We feel comfortable around each other. We can tell each other everything. We sometimes don't even need words; he knows what I am thinking and I know what he's thinking, too.

When I hit his house one day, Daniel randomly blurted out: "Hey, wanna go on a trip?"

"??? Are you well-functioning?" I took the last can of soda from the fridge and shook it. "What is this all of a sudden?"

Daniel sat down on the couch, "We are not productive at all this summer. Besides, it's not like we have better things to do."

"You right." I passed him the soda and tried to control my facial expressions.

"We can go to like, Taipei or something. Seonho told me he visited Guanlin and it's a beautiful-- What the heck Eunhye!" The soda spilled all over Daniel and I burst into laughter.

"Did you not see me shaking it by the fridge!" I was going to get him a towel, but Daniel just took his shirt off and threw it aside.

"Woah, them abs." I joked and got him a fresh shirt instead.

"Thanks, I love my abs too." Daniel put his shirt on and asked again, "So, wanna go somewhere?"

"Of course I want to, but I gotta get my parents' permission first. Oh my god, hey, you can go with me, I'll introduce you to them!" I was hyped about this. I cannot wait to let my parents know what a great boyfriend I have. My mom will love Daniel, I know she will.

"Sure, schedule a time and tell me~" Daniel smiled, "Oh, what do you think I should wear if I go meet them? Like a suit?"

"What you're wearing right now is fine." I started texting my mom and didn't pay attention to how the shirt I got for Daniel looked like.

"I'm not meeting your parents wearing a printed cat shirt with a hole on it."


"My mom said she and dad are treating us lunch today," I called Daniel and told him the schedule.

"Really? But it's my first time meeting them... Is that alright?" Daniel sounded hesitating.

"Don't worry. My parents are really really really nice. You'll definitely get along with them."

"Yeah, judging by what a wonderful daughter they have, I can see." I heard his laugh on the other side. "I also prepared some small gifts..."

"Daniel, you really didn't need to, but thanks." I smiled, "Get ready, we should get going."

"What are you wearing today?"

"A plain white shirt with blue jeans. You?"

"I'll match your outfit."

We arrived at the restaurant and noticed that my mom and dad already were in the reserved seats. I held Daniel's hand and walked up to them.

"Mom, dad, this is Daniel!" I excitedly presented my boyfriend to them.

Daniel shyly smiled and greeted them. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs.Nam. I am Kang Daniel, Eunhye's boyfriend."

"Daniel! It's great to see you! I've heard so many things about you from Eunhye. You guys are even wearing matching outfits today, how cute~" My mom, as usual, was being a fangirl.

"Hello, Daniel." My dad had a straight face on. Of course, he's salty because he's not the man that I love the most anymore.

"Ohh, did you guys go shopping today?" My mom was staring at the bags Daniel were holding.

"Oh, this is just a small gift from me." My dad got the bags from him and thanked him.

"How sweet of you. You're very thoughtful, Daniel." My mom seemed to really like this boyfriend that I have over here.

"Let the children sit down first, they've been standing for a while now." My dad pointed to the two chairs across from them and we sat down.

"Mom, I actually need your permission for something..." As the waiter served us the meals we ordered, I closely carried out my objective.


a/n: hey guys, i've decided to write the new fanfic on guanlin. i actually published the first chapter so check it out if you'd like. i really like the idea and i hope you guys will enjoy it too. (the story's gonna be pretty short tho) apologies to y'all who wanted to read about other members ;;

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