~|Chapter 2|~

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Note- Genevieve is pronounced Jen-e-vieve, therefore, 'Gen' is pronounced Jen, and 'Gene' is pronounced 'Jenny'.
Lauren's (Rage's) POV

Our feet practically fly through the air when the voice of an intruder carries through into my conscience. There was no scream, so either they haven't done anything yet or she's been knocked out.

Gen somehow got in front, with her long-ass legs jumping over some water puddles before I could catch up.

"YOU BETTER PUT HER DOWN, STRANGER," Delilah screams, running right behind Gen. She is breathing a little heavily, as we are all a little too protective of Rachel.

Delilah's face turns into a red of anger, whilst Rachel's one of embarrassment.

"U-um, please put me down," Rachel said nervously, probably afraid to let the stranger feel threatened, as he has the power to kill her if he wants to.

The stranger apologizes before putting her down on her feet. He turned to us. "Sorry about that," he said, rubbing the back of his head, "But um, hi! I'm from Hell-"

"Well hi, from Hell! I'm Envious, nice 'ta meet 'cha!" Gen said, cutting the guy off. Speaking of whom, the stranger looks confused, nervously laughing at Gen's excuse of a joke.

"You can call me Fuir, actually. It's nice to meet you too, I guess," Fuir said.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed. Gen decides to speak up, ending it.

"Well, um, she's Fear!" Gen nods to Harmony, "That's Rage," she points to me, "Anticipation," she points to Kim, "Sadness," she looks at Rebecca, "Happy", she gestures to Rachel, who was still standing next to Fuir, "Disgust," she points to Delilah," and you already know me, Envious," she finishes.

Rebecca pulls back Rachel and pretends to check her temperature. Rachel's face calms down from a red to her original skin colour, looking much more relieved.

"What brings you here?" Delilah asks. "Oh," says Fuir, "I live in this neighbourhood."

"Liar," I say with fiery eyes, "We live in literal solitude. This neighbourhood is empty. No one lives on these streets. Which is exactly why we chose to live here."

Fuir laughs. "You caught me. I actually was sent here by Satan." Compared to Rachel, he's at least a foot taller than her. Hah! That means he's taller than Gen! Also taller than me...

I raise my eyebrows and Harmony answers, "Tell Satan we won't kill any more people. Anticipation's feeling better...you can go now," she says when Fuir didn't move.

"Uh...I'm not gonna ask...I was actually sent here to...help you on a mission. You're supposed to find out information about the angels so Satan can try to defeat them whenever they get near Hell. But you haven't reported anything to him for...a long time."

I sincerely doubt he's ever going to get used to us. Poor soul...

Harmony uses her telepathy to yell at me.




...2...months ago

...You excuse of a She-demon...

I hear Harmony snicker and I end the telepathy-call. Genevieve glances over at Harmony, who's glaring at me. "Ok then. Uh...we have 4 rooms...so I guess you can share one of our rooms," she says.

We invite him into the house (Rachel and Kim stay behind to get the groceries) and he sits down on the living room couch. Gen pulls me into the kitchen.

In a hushed voice, she tells me, "What do we do?! Kim's the only one who doesn't have a roommate! But being in a room with a guy for who-knows-how-long can potentially bring back her memories of Karl!"

In a calmer tone, I answer, "Well, we could switch her with Rachel. They both barely have anything. Apart from Rachel's stuffed animal shrine, there's really nothing heavy to move."

She nods, agreeing with me, and we go back to the living room. Harmony, Rachel, and Fuir seems to be socializing. I hear something like, "And that's why you don't bring chocolate near Happy or Fear."

Gen walks in front of them. "Okay! So we've decided that you can share a room with Happy! Happy, you switch with Anticipation."

Happy nods. "Ok then, I'm a Third Wheel. I guess I'll go help pack up their stuff," Harmony says.
As everything is being packed up and moved, Anticipation and Happy talk a bit until Harmony and I finish doing so. Gen is talking to Fuir about the rules and regulations.

"-So we're going to school tomorrow. You can choose to go or stay home and clean or something. You cannot, for any condition, go into anyone else's rooms unless someone dies."

Fuir nods, "Oh, I already enrolled, so I'm good. Also, called me Delta. It's kinda awkward for you to call me Fuir if we're gonna live together."

"Mk, I'll make sure to tell everyone that," Gen says.

I look at the clock. 10:00 Living with my mom for 15 years made me used to go to bed either before or at 10. I take a shower, heading to bed after also brushing my teeth.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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