~|Chapter 16|~

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Genevieve comes back a few minutes after Rachel finishes filling out our attendance. I told him about Delta and he just said to go with it and try to get information from him about Ourathos Kerberos. Genevieve telepathically says to all of us.

I subconsciously nod, going to my room to pack up some stuff. I open the door, grabbing only a backpack, as I have more clothes back at Aries. I fold a shirt, putting them in my bag along with shorts, socks, and a pair of flats.

Zipping up my bag, I swing it over my shoulder, putting on ruby-red tennis shoes. Caden, Blake, and Vlad had gone back to their apartment and said they'd meet us at the Adicate Mansion.

I go into the portal room, seeing mostly everyone except Genevieve and Rebecca. As we wait for the two, Kim, being the weird little nugget she is, repeatedly sticks her hand in and out of the portal.

Genevieve finally comes, with Rebecca behind her. "Finally," Delilah grumbles. We walk through the portal, arriving at a similar portal room, only more red. The guard, my sister, runs up to us and tackles me into a hug. "BIG SIS!" she squeals in glee, "I MISSED YOU~!"

I hug her back, laughing, "I missed you too, Lianna." "Hey! What about me?" Rachel says in a joking tone, stretching her arms out for a hug. Lianna giggles and gives her a hug as well.

"This is Delta," I introduced, pointing to the male, "Delta, this is my 'Lil sister Lianna." "Nice to meet you, Delta!," Lianna says, giving the said person a handshake.

"Adam and Hayden are in the third living room right now. I think Liam made them cake again," Lianna says, leading us to an elevator. "Oh lord, that mischievous loser," Harmony groans.

"On another note, you finally got an elevator," Blake says. He presses the third floor. "Oh, we got that a century ago. If you would've bothered to visit us, you would have known."

Delta looks at my sister, shocked and I can see Genevieve and Vlad hold in a laugh and remark. The elevator stops and we step out. Walking through a few halls, we made it to the living room. The walls were a light blue and the flat screen TV seemed to have been replaced by a theater-sized one.

The coaches are still the same, a pale red colour and with a few cushions of the same colour on each. The wood floor is replaced with a carpet with a picture of our family cat enlarged on it.

Adam and Hayden were sitting in the middle of the room, a cake in between them. Their hands were surprisingly clean and it seemed that they were using utensils instead of messing up the room in cake frosting.

Hayden is the first to notice us, her eyes tearing up, and she springs up and screams, "Mom!", running up to Harmony and jumping into her arms, nuzzling herself in Harmony's dark hair.

Almost immediately after, Adam bursts into tears and runs up to me, almost tripping. I lift the 5-year-old up and pat his back as he let out his tears. "My child's more mature than yours," Harmony says, laughing.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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