~|Chapter 24|~

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The two excruciating minutes of waiting for the employee to say, "Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the Dragon's Soul!", nearly killed me.

As soon as I stepped foot out of the ride's premises, I screamed, "Bathroom break!", and ran into the nearest bathroom, throwing up all the ice cream I ate.

•^• Mini Time Skip •^•

I groaned as my life seemed sucked out of me, my hands appearing as pale as Genevieve's. I grabbed a hold of a ramp and leaned down, taking a deep breath. "I feel as if I've lived a million years, " I said.

"Don't flatter yourself," Genevieve says, "I'll be a million before you if we get the chance to live that long." There was a short silence for a bit and I was able to think straight after color returned to my skin.

"Let's go to the Sea Dragon boat thing!," Vlad exclaimed, grabbing Rebecca's arm and dragging her to follow him. I followed them, texting Lianna to meet us at the amusement park after her play date if she wanted to.

Turns out that the 'Sea Dragon boat thing' was a ride that went back and forth like a giant swing. "I call front!," I screamed, running to the back of the line.

The line was fairly short, probably because it took such a long time to walk to the ride. It took only a good 10 minutes before it was our turn and many in front of us chose to be in the middle.

I walked onto the boat and onto the front, having Harmony and Rebecca sit next to me. Genevieve, Delilah, and Kim were on the back side whilst Blake, Delta, Vlad, and Caden sat in front of us. The boat moved forwards (backwards to Genevieve and the other two).

I grabbed onto the handle in front of me, squealing and laughing as the boat moved backwards and forwards once again. It started going higher, eventually lifting us to the point that if it moved anymore, we would all fall out.

It did this a few more times before stopping and we got off the ride with heavy breaths. "Hey, let's go over there!," Kim says, pointing to a circular ride going in circles. "Are you sure?," I asked, "It flips you upside down and goes all over the place."

Kim nodded and we went over to the ride, Whirlwind. "I just experienced near death less than an hour ago, so I think I'll stay out of this one this time," I say, "Not to mention what happened a few hundred years ago." Harmony nodded, a bit concerned, but she went on to the line with the others.

Blake stayed next to me, saying, "It's not safe for someone to be left alone in an amusement park, even if this is your planet." I nod, grateful that at least I'll have someone to talk to during the half hour that the ride will go on for.

I sit down against a tree and watch as Kim gets strapped onto a not-so-safe looking seat. "Lauren, what happened to you those few centuries ago," Blake asked, a sad glimmer in his eyes. I was so hoping he wouldn't ask that.

I sigh, getting ready to tell him about the memory.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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