~|Chapter 31|~

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Harmony's POV

Imagine this: You gain the courage to tell your all-time crush, who is also your best friend, about your feelings. The day you decide to do so, you tell your other best friend, who you trust with all your non-existent heart, about your plan.

And that lying, cheating, manipulative, horrible, scoundrel of a friend decides to, not only backstab you, but also make out with that all-time crush, who looked like he was enjoying every blinding second of it.

And finally, after who-knows-how-long, Rebecca lifts herself off of Vlad. And since my name wasn't Sadness nor Envy, I manage to keep a calm but angry appearance and Rebecca dusts herself off.

She turns to me and feigned shock. "Oh my gosh, Harmony!" She covers her face, somehow managing to put some pink in her cheeks. "I did not mean for you to see that!"

"Uh huh..." My unconvincing voice causes Vlad to groan out in pain, passing out. Rebecca must've sat on his legs for too long. I sigh, untangling my arms and placing them at my side.

"Rebecca. You know I love you and all...never mind, screw all that. Rebecca, I have come to realize that over the years, you have become more and more of the woman your planet does not need.

And soon, Scorpiolians are gonna demand they have a new Lord, and that's going to be your sister and you know that she will vote for Gemini to be changed to Ethiopia. Please don't be more malicious than you already are. And if so, I'll be forced to tear your rank from you. Your second chance will be used."

And with that, I walk away, closing the door behind me. My eyes started to form tears but I refuse to let my ex-best friend and a silly crush make me spill my emotions, something I haven't done in a long time.

Lauren runs up to me, her hands landing on my shoulders with a concerned expression. I guess she doesn't dare give me a hug, after all, I could give her nightmares for a long time if I feel agitated.

"If I could, I'd give that motherfucker sooooo many internal wounds right now," Lauren says, venom evident in her voice. "Don't, it's not worth it. She's friends with Gen and Delilah," my answer was.

Lauren groans but listens to me, leading me to my room and I rest, trying to erase Rebecca from my mind for the time being. And yet, a sad memory makes its way into my dream.

In front of a human school, I stare at the scene placed in front of me. As a friend, I was supposed to wait for her as she had told me she had no way to go home safely. I offered to walk with her, as I had studied Martial Arts and am capable of protecting myself without magic.

Instead of Rebecca, there was Lexi who came out of the school. "Hey Lex!" I greeted her. A glare formed on my best friend's face. Instead of a greeting back, I received a slap to the face, one that was sure to leave a mark on my face.

"I trusted you!" she exclaimed. Tears were brimming her face and I could clearly see what was wrong from the running man who was visible behind the glass doors. Lexi turned around, running past me and down the road.

She had talked about thinking her boyfriend, Maddix, cheating on her. I had told her there was no way that was possible, since everyone knew he was a playboy and wouldn't date him for money.

She was still doubtful after that however, but believed me, as we were friends since the beginning of me going to this school. Something must've caused the thought to come back to her.

And as Maddix shoved open the door and ran past me chasing after Lexi, I could see exactly what brought that malicious thought back, the creature who made me lose the only friend I had.

Rebecca; a false look of concern on her face, followed by a faint smirk directed towards me. She must've thought I didn't see her.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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