~|Chapter 13|~

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Genevieve's POV

I walk out of the vehicle, noticing Blue pull Lauren out of the carriage before she can properly throw up. "Blake...do that again and I will smack you," she says to him loud enough to avoid Delta's hearing.

I can practically feel her anger and shock as he actually pulls her again. The shock causes whatever she ate this morning to regurgitate out of her throat into a chunky mess on the sidewalk.

I step back, looking at it in disgust. "I'm um...gonna go inside, " I said. I know for a fact that Rachel is gonna force everyone to get some Vitamin D, but ain't nobody got time for that. Hahhhhhh

I need to get a 6-star in MSL as soon as possible! I get into the house, about to go into my room and turn into a couch potato but a male voice stops me.

Not the voice itself, but what he says, "I've successfully tricked the girls, as you instructed me." I pause, quickly clicking out of MSL and into my Voice Memo app. I start recording, as well as putting my ear to the door.

"Yes, sir...no...no. Oh, I told them that Satan was angry that they weren't reporting back...Yes, sir, Rage seemed to have actually had no contact with him for a few months..."

A long pause passes, with Delta sighing every so often. "Of course, Mr. Kerberos. I'm still not sure if they have actual names, as they call each other by the emotion. We went to Heaven today...yes, sir, Heaven."

Another pause goes by and by now, my hand's are tired from holding the phone. I glance outside the windows, seeing the other distracted by the trio 'preforming' and throwing around a bunch of burning dirt.

"They were trying to figure out something about weaknesses...no, they haven't figured out anything."

My wrist shoots a pain up my arm. I guess I sprained it when I crawled through the clouds. I stop the recording and name it, 'Rants', just in case he went through my phone.

I gently walk over to my room, putting down my phone and bending my wrist back and forth. Whilst doing this, many thoughts flow through my mind.

Kerberos...Doctor Kerberos! The evil bastard who started companies that covered up experiments on genetically changing a human's species! That bastard works for him?! A spy?! We should've been more cautious!!

I text the group chat to come back inside and that we were having a little meeting in the living room. I head out, seeing Delta come out of his room as well. Shìt.

"Ah. Delta. Can you go water the plants? Happy planted them outside all around the house," I ask him, receiving a nod. I watch him walk outside and as soon as the door closes, I rush over to the living room.

I practically jump onto the couch, sitting down next to Harmony and Crimson. I show them the recording, playing it. "It seems that Delta has kept a few things from us. Especially the fact that he doesn't work for Satan at all," I say as soon as the recording ends.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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