~|Chapter 19 + Independence Day Special|~

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Blake's POV

The war was brutal. The children were swaying back and forth on the ship in fear. Several bullets were being shot at us, and I, barely managing to dodge those said bullets conty heart was pounding and I shot back at them, jumping around.

More bullets came my way and one grazed me, inflicting a wound. I winced but continued on, not wanting to disappoint my fellow comrades.

It must've been several hours before we finally made it onto land. I stepped foot atop the sacred island, one that was rumoured to have been filled with riches before everything crumbled.

I grabbed a shovel and started digging, stumbling upon nothing but gravel and dirt. Many of my followers decided to step forward and assist me.

Upon knocking at something solid, we dug around it to reveal an old fashioned treasure box. I quickly lifted it up and shouted in victory.

My hands unlocked the box, lifting the lid. "TIME'S UP, HANDS OFF EVERYTHING," a sturdy voice yelled.

The box slammed shut and was put back in its original place, dirt being shoveled over it.

"Oh, come on!," Harmony yelled, "We were pummeled by paintballs!" I took off my costume, handing it to the employees grumpily.

"We had our fricking hands on the box," I screamed. Lauren helped Adam out of his costume and I poured water over my free hand, wiping away some paint splatters on his face.

"Sorry, kids, but the deal was that you had to fully open it. Next group!," one of the employees yelled, having no pity for us.

We were shoved to the exit and thrown our bags. "Those jerks," Rachel grumbled, "We wasted $40 on that!"

"I mean, we kinda stole the money...," Caden said. We all looked at him with a blank face. "They dropped the money," 10 voices boomed.

The children were looking as confused as an Easter rabbit that just laid its first Easter egg. "Come on, let's go watch the fireworks, Caden."

Genevieve dragged the odd-one-out to a beverage stand, forcing him to pay for a dozen drinks, as well as a few dozen churros.

My thirteen year old self had immediately became fond of the brunette, wanting to get to know her more. But the red haired one seemed to have caught my interest more than her.

Lauren hadn't hesitated to tell me her  name, her real name, not her Emotion. It seemed the same case with Vlad, as he had been pulled in by Harmony after meeting her through Rebecca, who had captivated him at first.

Happy was absolutely stunned and laughed when she found out, causing Genevieve, the Ultimate Rainbow Taco Queen herself, to give us the rank of "Higher than my Bamboo Plant", which she claimed Lauren had yet to achieve.

"Blueburry!," a voice screamed. A can of soda was thrusted at me and I held it, thanking Lauren. "C'mon! Harmony's already leaving!"

She grabbed my hand and ran after the female, arriving at a small opening in the middle of some trees. "This is abandoned land that was originally meant to be used for a candy shop, but the owner died shortly after the idea came up and it never was fully made," Genevieve explains.

"But it's absolutely great for watching a firework show!," Delilah said, laying on a small blanket she had set up.

I put down the carbonated drink and helped Lauren lay out the blanket, picking it up again to sit next to her. I opened the drink and took a sip, resting my arm on a knee.

Harmony came with Vlad and sat down behind us. "What the flip are you two doing?," Lauren asked. "We're too lazy to set up, and besides, sitting behind you won't effect either of us since you both are so short," Harmony answered.

I was about to reply, but a loud 'Bang' caught my attention. An explosion of gold spread across the sky, followed by many others.

We all looked up at the sky in awe as "Happy Fourth Of July" was spelled out above us in colorful lettering. I looked to Lauren, who was just as amazed as I was.

If only she hadn't left me a month later, leaving all of us in pure misery, waiting for the female to finally come back to us.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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