~|Chapter 25.5|~

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Blake Kohaku, blue hair and navy eyes, looking like the darkness of night. Represented like fire, using it quite like Lauren.

Vlad Kohaku, violet hair and a darker shade of eyes, as well as Blake's younger twin. Represented by telekinesis.

Caden Jewett, crimson hair and eyes of a mahogany, a strong personality, he has. Represented by geokinesis.


And whilst the Seven Emotions were dealing with Rachel's disappearance and Lauren's sleep, Three Colours were traveling the world and dealing with Kerberos' experiments, at least, the ones who followed his orders.

Over the years, they seemed to increase little by little. It was hard for them, as Blake was still mourning over Lauren's supposed death and Vlad rarely ever slept due to creating weapons for the Zodiacs.

After Lauren came back, going to the yearly meeting, Blake swore it was a ghost, staying outside during the period he was there.

Caden was always overworking himself training so he could at least protect Genevieve when Kerberos decided to pull one of his so-called "S-Class Experiment" fights again.

Vlad had tried to contact the Seven Emotions through 19th century technology, but sadly, got no reply as the said females had no such telephones.

Practically giving up on trying to find them, the three had tried preforming instead, wanting to find the girls through fame. And through this, they had indeed found the Colours.

And with that, hope rose again for the trio, and when they were assigned the 'Angel's Weakness' quest, they immediately knew that Seven Emotions would be there.

And so, they decided to preform a song that they knew would pull everyone in.

It seems that the girls have a whole 'lotta colors flying their way.

A/N: This was supposed to be called '~Note~' but no one ever reads the Notes so instead, I made it '~|Chapter 25.5|~'. I felt the need to explain this but no one ever reads the author's notes either. :P

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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