~|Chapter 9|~

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I had been an Angel with Genevieve but disobeyed God at every chance she got and got sent to Earth. I went through the painful process of becoming a Fallen. I travelled to Hell and fought Satan enough to give me a high rank. Thankfully, they hadn't figured out that any of us weren't actually from Earth.

Most demons serve Mammon, the Demon of greed, Asmodeus, the Demon of lust, Leviathan, the Demon of envy, Beelzebub, the Demon of gluttony, Belphegor, the Demon of laziness, or Death, otherwise known as the Grim Reaper.

Harmony, on the other hand, went to Hell after her first life, immediately getting a high rank as she had defeated Cerberus right before I crossed the river.

Genevieve stayed an Angel, as she was an unnoticed Angel. She was a follower of Hegemone, a Goddess of plants, one of her elite Angels in fact. She was called Jariel, which was one of the reasons why God didn't punish her; because the news only called her 'Envy' when we would fight.

Rachel...was an experiment, who was made an Angel by a series of gruesome tests and heartless scientists who wanted nothing but the key to immortality. She managed to escape, thanks to Harmony and I.

Delilah was a normal human. Was. She dug her way into hypnotizing a few scientists from the same branch as Rachel's scientists and accidentally made herself into one of us.

Kim is a completely pure Angel. She helps us, but doesn't assist in the kills, and instead decides on whether or not they're evil enough to go to Hell. She was created by Eirene, the Goddess of peace, out of the water from the land of which Hegemone resided.

And last of all, Rebecca. She was also an experiment, but went through way less pain than Rachel, as the scientists could only work with the subjects asleep.

This whole thing basically started because Gene dared me to put an Earth pig into one of Demeter's meals, sneakily, causing Demeter to have a severe panic attack.

Harmony and I reunited in Hell and we caught up quickly, as we still insulted each other and basically cussed each other out every chance we get. I never thought I'd come to Heaven again after what happened centuries ago.

Here I am, sitting in one of the empty front seats of whatever this is. I look at the people who are on the stage. 3 of them, a trio, each wearing a mask and having gelled hair, looking like triplets.

Of course, there is a height difference. The one in the middle is shorter than the other two. The one on the left then proceeds to grab the mic, taking it from its stand.

"We will perform, There's Nothing Holding Me Back, with one of us doing guitar, singing, as well as the actual music." He put back the mic and sits down, opening up a laptop, a very familiar one at that.

"Hold on...Oh, my Lord, that's Crimson's specially designed one-of-a-kind laptop," Harmony said, turning her head to look at the group.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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