~|Chapter 6|~

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Lauren's POV

"Hey, yo, Rage! I got dem cho-co-lates!" Rebecca says, shaking a box of chocolate Kisses in my face.

I grunt in disgust and shrink behind Rachel, who's eyes are practically shining. "Ehehe~Any chance you could give me some~?" she asks.

Rebecca laughs and gives her two. "I don't get why Rage hates chocolate. It's delicious," Genevieve says, stealing some and popping them in her mouth.

"Simple; they're sweet and are popular on Valentine's Day. I hate sweet things. I hate Valentine's Day. Therefore, I hate chocolate," I answer.

"Next 6," the lunch monitor says. Gen and Rebecca walk in, followed by Harmony, Rachel, then me, with Delta awkwardly following us.

"Our cafeteria is very civil. There are two lines, each going into a room with the food. There are several kinds of milk, which is the first thing you'll get.

There are foam trays and next to that is 4 entrees, followed by some fruit and more food, in case you're allergic or something," Genevieve explains.

"In front of that is the salad bar and an ice cream fridge, with a bucket of juice next to it. And then you walk out to pay for your food.

In front of the cash register is a snack bar, with cookies, chips, candy, etc. These cost from 50 cents to $1.50. If you have no money, you get food but no snacks; simple.

After you pay for your food, go to that tableware stand. It has ketchup, mustard, ranch, blah blah blah," Harmony says.

Kim and Delilah come into the area, behind us shortly after Harmony finishes talking.

"There are 6 rows of tables with 8 tables in each row, each table with 8 chairs. We have exactly 360 kids in our grade, as that's the highest amount of kids the school accepts for our grade. You can sit alone if you want, but you'll be the odd one out!"

I get a carton of chocolate milk and grab a few trays, passing them to Genevieve, who passed 'em to Rachel and so on.

A smile comes to my face as I think of our friendship; simple but symbolic and comforting, enough for me at least.

I scoop some popcorn chicken onto my tray, followed by a few 'chilled' strawberries (they're practically blobs) and a banana, vegetables on the corner of the tray.

I pay for my food and quickly grab a few napkins, having no need for any forks or spoons.

I walk over to the last table on the first row, the table that we always sit at. I carefully sit down, checking for any puddles of liquid that may have been left by the Freshmen.

I find none, and start eating my food. Harmony sits down next to me. "Did you download Webtoons yet?" Genevieve asks Harmony for the millionth time.

She shakes my head, the same answer she gives her every time. Gene scoffs and turns to me. "Rai x Frankie collage after school. Send it to me."

I laugh, nodding. Harmony turns to me as Genevieve starts talking to Rebecca and we start chatting about our classes. This is how it goes every lunch. We talk, we laugh. But in our group, it's different. We also plan our attacks.

"I heard from Eve that there's something going on in Heaven tomorrow. I bet we could sneak in with Happy's help," Kim says, taking a sip of her chocolate milk.

"Oooo~ Good idea! Harmony needs to map out Heaven again though. Gariel burned it when I flew up there last week," I sheepishly say.

Harmony growls at me, eyes glowing. "One more time and you're making your own map," she mutters.

"We could try going to Hermes' cottage," Delilah suggests, "I bet he has tons of books and whatnot."

We spent the remainder of lunch carefully planning out what to do the next day after school, Delta occasionally making comment.

We settle on painting using Genevieve's wings to our advantage and Rachel's mercy to get into Heaven, and then we would explore one of God's many libraries.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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