~|Chapter 11|~

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Rachel's POV

"Violet's guitar skills have definitely improved," I point out, thinking back to when Violet first started guitar lessons and was a complete failure.

I look at Delta and he seems thoroughly impressed, even standing up and applauding the trio. "Who are they anyway?" he asks, right after the guys bow and leave the stage.

"Satan didn't tell you? They're another group that works for him, like us. And like us, they're also 16 to 17 centuries old. Oh! And they-." Delta cuts me off, seeming to be in pure shock.

"You're 17 centuries old?!" Genevieve pokes her head out and stares at him with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, yeah. We're like a mix of Heaven and Hell, so we live for a long time. Technically, we're 16 and 17 in our perspective, but Kim's a few years behind us."

Delta looks absolutely mortified. "Ya know, you should really ask Satan for more information. Or else, if we get into some serious fights, you'll be too shocked to attack," Lauren said, finishing her Coke.

"Rage's right," Rebecca said, "And you should also know that some Angels are giving us some questionable looks, so calm down."

I look around, seeing a few eyes staring at us back, whipping their heads away as they saw that they were noticed.

"Forget it. Let's just find Herme-," Delilah started. "Found him," Harmony said, pointing to a brown haired Angel who was flying in the air, taking notes on a scroll.

"We should recommend to them to use modern technology, but we can do that later," Genevieve says, "For now, let's just get out of the crowd and knock him down.

We calmly run out of the view of the Angels. Harmony uses her power to carry me up behind Hermes as it's been a long time since I've used my wings, but I manage to balance myself.

I tap Hermes on the shoulder, almost getting slapped in the face. This would be so much easier if we were just one of the high ranks...A guardian Angel would've been a nice rank, just anything better than an Angel...

"Hey, Hermes! I was just passing by and I wondered if there was anything I should be afraid of." Hermes blanks out (you can tell, his eyes dull), signalling that he is thinking.

A few moments pass and he returns. "No, not really." I resist the urge to groan, knowing that would cause some suspicion.

"Ah, thanks!" I say, putting on a fake smile. I turn away and am about to signal for Harmony to put me down when Hermes grabs my shoulder.

"Hey, Elliel, do you have a younger sister or something? You're really attractive, but your personality is just way outta my league."

I squint my eyes in anger, turning back and pinching his wings. "Say that one more time and I'll rip out your precious feathers!"

Hermes smacks his hands together in a praying motion. "Please spare me! I was just joking!" I let go of his wings, eyeing Harmony to put me down.

I slowly flow down, dusting some imaginary dirt particles off of me. "Anything?" Delta asks. I am about to say 'Nope', but the sudden realization crosses my mind.

Our wings! Our weakness is in our wings!

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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