~|Chapter 27|~

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I squeal as some water splashes onto me. We travel through a realistic-looking mountain, loud noises coming from every direction.

"I don't wanna do this anymore!" I hear Delilah scream from in front of us. I immediately know what we are in for; the dreaded fall, much like a roller coaster, it drops down, but into a pool of water that's barely even in its liquid form.

A scream fills my ears and I wince, preparing myself. The boat rides to the end of the tunnel and light explodes across my eyes. I block the sunlight but it causes me to have nothing to protect myself with.

Before I know it, I was dipping into the coldest water in the universe. Harmony seems to be having the time of her life, laughing at our misery.

Being an Air Zodiac comes in handy, as you can apparently blow water away from you and into the faces of fellow comrades...that bìtch.

I wrap my arms around my body, shivering. "My jacket!" Genevieve exclaims, not being able to save her now drenched clothing. "Oops," Rebecca said, a hint of a smile on her face.

You cruel Emotion... "Ugh, never mind that, give me my child," Gen says, grabbing the clothing and wringing out what water was left.

"This is so not my day," I hear Delilah saying, her glasses covered with droplets of water, "It would be great if I had your fire magic, Rage." And that makes me realize I could've warmed up myself and not suffer.

It's never too late to not get sick... I transfer the heat from my hands to my heart and immediately, I feel warmer.

"Mommmmmmm!" Adam screams, running from the boat to me. "Caden pushed me in front of him! I got splashed with super super super super cold water!" he whines.

I look at the mischief, who is laughing and literally only has his hair wet. Blake seems to be the logical fire user and uses his magic to dry his hair and clothes quickly.

"Flipping-! Caden, I trusted you with my child and you decide to betray both of our trust?!," I exclaim. "L-m-f-a-o. Good thing my 'lil Haydie knows how to use-oh for Overlord's sake...," Harmony sighed.

Hayden is playing around with the water, losing focus every few seconds and splashing unsuspecting victims. It is so captivating yet so weird.

"Achoo!" she sneezed. Harmony immediately picks her up. "Heck no! We're going back to the mansion right this flipping second!"

"But-," Kim starts. "Nope!" Harmony glares at the ride, "The Sun's shining into my eyes anyways. I'm gonna get my brain baked like potatoes being squashed into mashed potatoes."

"Whelp, I guess that's enough for today, Little One," Blake says, placing his hand on Adam's forehead. Adam smiles brightly as the male evaporates of all the water.

"I guess we can go home and eat more food like the lazy Zodiacs we are," Gene spoke.

-Oh, and don't forget to vote •^•

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