Chapter 1 - Days Counting

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It was beautiful day in Gravity Falls, the wind died down to a light breeze and the sun was high in the sky giving off the perfect amount of heat. Mean while at the Mystery Shack, there stood in the middle of the front room a very angry Dipper Pines, "DAM IT BILL WHY!" Standing across from him was Bill Cipher, trying hard to hold back from laughing at what he'd done to the poor boy, or now girl. "Relax kid, relax.  You told me you wanted to be able to talk to Wendy without feeling weird right?  Well now you can, girl to girl." Dipper let out a loud annoyed sigh, "Bill this is not what I meant and you know it! Now change me back, this feels super weird." Bill rolled his eyes, with a snap of his fingers Dipper was back to normal. Dipper was relieved but it was short lived when noticed the demon was over in the corner pouting. "Bill get up that little prank you played back there wasn't amusing in the least." Little did Dipper know the dream demon was stalling for time, plotting for his next trick. Bill suddenly stood up and before Dipper could blink he was inches from his face, "Hey Pine Tree how bout we make a deal?"
"What kind of deal?" Dipper asked skeptically. "Well, you hate my tricks right? Let's make this next one a little more intriguing. Whoever can last the longest as a human girl without spilling the details of this to anyone, will get what they most desire. In your case I'll stop my childish antics. But if I win...well that's not exactly important right now. Do we have a deal Pine Tree?" Dipper looked at him in disbelief, "You're kidding right? Why would I make another deal with you? Look how it turned out for me last time!" Bill was disinterested in Dipper's complaints, all he wanted was to be entertained, just then a sly grin reached across his face. "Alright let's make this more interesting by adding your sister into this..." Seconds after the words left his lips Mabel appeared in a giant hamster ball. "If you don't take my deal then not only will you never see your sister again, you'll never come out of the nightmare I'll personally place you in." Dipper frantically looked at his sister, then back at Bill. "What is wrong with you Bill! I told you to never pull Mabel into these things! But I suppose there's no way out now. Fine, we have a deal, but it ends once the sunsets, but if I win you'll never bother anyone from the Pines family again." With that Bill stretched his arm out to Dipper and then snapped his fingers making blue flames engulfed their hands insuring the deal. Last thing Dipper ever saw was Bill's evil grin, and then his whole world turned black.

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