Chapter 16 - Party All Night

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It was 7:00 in the morning and Dipper, Mabel, Bill were asleep outside on mats around a small campfire. The night before Mabel had suggested they have a camp out, along with a who could tell the scariest story contest. Unfortunately Bill took advantage of this by scaring Dipper right into his arms, making the poor boy blush with embarrassment. Meanwhile Mabel had taken a picture of the two, then began screaming, "Perfect blackmail material!" Dipper had hoped off Bill chasing his sister around the campfire cursing under his breath. "Run Shooting Star! You never know when that might come in handy!" The demon said cheering her on. In the end poor Dipper had failed at his attempts to grab the picture, due to the fact Mabel traded it to Bill for rainbow headband.  "I'll put this away for safe keeping." Bill said winking at Dipper whose face was already red as a tomato.  "Aww, you're so cute when you're embarrassed!" the demon teased, which worked better than he had anticipated. Mabel giggled; quickly snatching her brother's hat that he used in a desperate attempt to hide his face.  Dipper started to rage quit inside, but then remembered the can of silly string in his jacket and a devious grin melted onto his face. He suddenly turned dropping to the ground holding his stomach in pretend pain. Bill and Mabel ran over to Dipper, "Dipper! Are you ok?!" "Pine Tree...." The demon grabbed Dipper's shoulder to turn him around, but once he did the dream demon received a face full of Silly String. Bill stumbled back trying to rip the sticky substance from his face, Mabel looked at her brother with wide eyes, "Don't worry sis I left enough for you too!" he yelled laughing manically. Mabel ran screaming, but Dipper quickly caught up spraying the back of her head, "Success!" he said raising the empty can above his head in triumph.  "You little brat! I have that disguising pink stuff stuck in my hair!" the demon whined, "And mine! You realize how hard it is to get out?!" Dipper shrugged, "I guess that's what you get for picking on with me." Their eyes narrowed, "You better learn to sleep with one eye open Dip." Mabel warned, "Never know what you'll wake up to Pine Tree." Bill added snapping his fingers cleaning up the mess. "You guys don't scare me." The demon raised an eye brow, "Is that so? If I remember correctly, I scared you so badly that you jumped to me for comfort. Who knows what will happen next time, guess we'll just have to find out now wont we?" Dipper gulped as the demon gave him a sly grin, "You're despicable." He groaned. "Oh you're too kind Pine Tree! Feel free to say more." Maple let out a loud yawn, "Its 2:00 in the morning, time for bed." With that being said everyone grabbed a mat from the Mystery Shack porch and started laying them out around the campfire. "Bill what are you doing?" "Relax Pine Tree, it's just like sharing a bed inside." "Except we are outside and you just got done telling me to watch my back." "Ah come on Pine Tree, you worry too much." "Yeah, but look who I'm talking to, the master of deception." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Aw, love you too Pine Tree! Sweet dreams." "Bill your weirding me out now." "Good. Now go to sleep already kid." "You're not going to do anything weird to me right?" "Will you two shut up and go to sleep already?! You're making it very difficult to fall asleep." Mabel snapped. "Sorry Mabel." "I swear you do anything funny..." But before Dipper could finish his sentence Bill snapped his fingers making his angry little Pine Tree fall asleep.
Dipper slowly opened his eyes, the air was cool and he could feel the wet grass under his arm. Groaning he rolled over beginning to close his eyes once more but failed to notice he was inches from Bill's face, "Good morning sunshine!" Dipper yelped stumbling backwards off the mat. "What are you...wait. Where you watching me sleep?!"  Bill sat up on his elbows, "No...maybe...ok, yeah I was. What? Yeesh kid, I didn't do anything vile this time." He scoffed. "Key word here, this time." Dipper narrowed his eyes giving the demon an accusing look. "I am not ready for the world yet, I'm going back to sleep. Touch me and you lose a finger. Got it?" He grabbed his mat moving it away from Bill, then plopping back down shutting his heavy eyelids.

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