Chapter 11 - Night Before, Bill's Accident

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Bill's side:
Once Bill's head hit the pillow his subconscious quickly carried him over into Mabel's dream.  At first the dream demon couldn't comprehend why he was here, but it soon clicked. While leaning on a giant oak tree, Bill let out a heavy sigh as he thought to himself, "Deep down I was worried about Shooting Star, how we're going to explain this mess, should we lie? Should we come clean?" Soon he was yanked out of his thoughts when a familiar voice was heard not too far from where he had landed and was rapidly approaching. Bill's mind raced for ideas, just as Mabel was becoming  visible. Instantly Bill disguised himself as Dipper.
Mabel's side:
"Hey bro bro! What are you doing behind this tree?" Mabel asked puzzled. "Oh hey, I was just enjoying the beautiful shade! Care to join me?" Dipper asked with an awkward smile. Mabel nodded as they both sat down on the soft grass under the giant tree. When she looked over at her bother he had a worried expression on his face, "What's wrong Dipper? You don't seem like yourself." she asked as the cool breeze gently blew hair near her face. He slowly looked up at his sister, he hesitated a little, "Well Mabel, there's something you should know..."
Bill's side:
He could feel a drop of sweat trail down the side of his head, "This is a dream, she won't remember anything. So what am I so afraid of?" he tried to reason with himself. "Well you see Mabel, there's something eating away at me and I think it's time you knew." Dipper began, his sister's face growing with worry. "Have you noticed anything strange about your dream?" He questioned, "Well now that I think about it, it feels like I've been in here a lot longer than normal." She said rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Truth is your body has been floating in pitch black nothingness, ultimately suspended animation. You were ripped out of reality for a while, due to the fact I made a deal with Bill." He looked over at Mabel's face which was filled with pure horror. "You see, while you were down stairs, Bill tried making a deal with me which I refused, that's when he got upset. Then he made me a deal I couldn't refuse, which entailed being a girl until sunset without spilling the details of the deal. But if I failed Bill would tear me away from you and place me in a never ending nightmare.  Once I shook his hand, I blacked out for a while, but when I woke up you gone." Bill looked down at the ground sadden as he reflected on the day. Then he heard Mabel whisper, "Did you win? Will I ever awake from this dream? Or... or is this permanent?" she said with a hit of hurt stinging her already shaky voice. His head immediately shot up, watching as a tear fell from her face. Bill wrapped one arm around her, then with the other gently picked up her face and turned it toward himself, "No Mabel, I won. I promise, you'll be waking up very soon. I'm so sorry. This shouldn't of happened to you...and it never will again." His voice trailed off as both hands dropped to his sides. Bill took a deep breathe, "How bout I make it up to you, tomorrow we will go have a day of fun!" he said trying to pull off a convincing smile. To his surprise a smile crept across her face, "Alright Dip, maybe we can go play laser tag with Wendy and Soos, or pank gruncle Stan!" Mabel stood up and started to jump for joy, "I can't wait!" With that Bill stood up satisfied, and then waved to Mabel as he manipulated her dream into a candy wonderland.

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