Chapter 3 - Its Your Turn Now

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Dipper cringed as he was engulfed in the blue flames, it wasn't long until they subsided and finally disappeared.  Soon after, Dipper ran over to the bathroom mirror and took a good hard look at himself. His brown hair was now to his shoulders and holding back his bangs was a blue hair clip. Next he inspected his attire; he was sporting a red t-shirt that had a giant dark blue pine tree on the front, dark blue skirt that hovered above his knees, knee high white socks and red converse.  Cynthia soon appeared outside the bathroom door, "It's not my best work but it'll do. Too bad you didn't turn out as fabulous as I did!"  Dipper's eye twitched at the little comment as he tried to ignore the twirling and boastful Cynthia. She stopped when she noticed the annoyance plastered all over his face. "Aww what's wrong Pine Tree? Can't take a joke? Geesh kid you're not even fun to mess with." Dipper whipped around his face filled with anger as he pointed at Cynthia, "This is no laughing matter! I'm stuck as a girl until sunset so I can save my sister from you! Or have you forgotten already?!" Cynthia became very amused, so she struck a thinking stance, "Hmm, let think...Dipper's sanity and his sister's life on the exchange for some dome wish...hmm, doesn't ring a bell!" Then Cynthia smiled widely and floated back to the twin's bedroom. "What am I going to do with him?" Dipper thought aloud. "How bout getting me some food?" Cynthia yelled. Dipper sighed, as he walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to make some sandwiches.  Ten minutes passed before Cynthia made a portal and landed in the kitchen. "Hey Pine Tree what did you make?" Dipper turned around and handed Cynthia the plate which held a Turkey sandwich with a side of potato chips. Before Cynthia had time to complain Dipper had already gave her a disapproving scowl.

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