Chapter 12 - Fun with Disaster

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It didn't take long for Bill and Mabel to make it into the busy little town. Finally Mabel let go of Bill's sleeve and turned to him, "I'm so excited, what should be do first? Oh my gosh there's Candy and Grenda! Let's go say hi!" Grabbing Bill's arm once more, they ran over catching up to the two girls. "Candy! Grenda!" Mable called out, immediately embrace her two best friends. "It's so great to see you! Mind with we tag alone for awhile?" The girls looked at each other, then simultaneously said, "Of course Mabel!" Grenda peered behind Mabel to see a strangely handsome guy in a top and yellow suite with her, "Hey Mabel, who's your dream boat of a friend?" she asked with a dreamy sigh. Bill glared at the love struck girl with disgusted, "Not a chance, monster." He thought.  But before he could snap at her Mabel cut him off, "Oh, that's Bill! He's my cousin? Anyways, he will be hanging with us!" she said with enthusiasm. "We were already in the process of finding something fun to do before she spotted you." The sassy dream demon said pouting.  Candy and Grenda stared at him with shock, Mabel discreetly kicked him in the shin, trying to straighten out the mouthy demon. "What he meant to say was lets head over to the laser tag!" Then Mabel started to skip down the street, with Candy not far behind, and Bill attempting to catch up, only to realize Mabel's friend Grenda was wrapped around his right arm. Bill's scowl only deepen, "I would rather have Dipper yelling at me right now then this monster clinging onto my arm." He seethed, and then tried shaking the girl off, but to his disappointment it only made her grip his arm titer. 
Meanwhile at the Mystery Shack:
Dipper could finally sleep in peace, no annoying sister trying to wake him up and even better no annoying demon attempting to do something wicked. He stared at the wall above him, it was so quiet, but yet one thing was still nagging at him, how did Mabel find out? He wanted to give it more thought, but finally sleep had claimed him.
Back to Mabel and Bill's Day o Fun:
The four walked into the laser tag building, lights were flashing everywhere and the futuristic music was booming through the entire place. Mabel walked up to the front counter buying everyone tickets, then motioned to the next room. "Alright before we begin, let's split into two teams. I'll be the first team captain! Grenda you'll be the other. Go ahead and pick first." Mabel commanded.  Bill stood next to Candy giving Mabel a pleading look and Grenda a cold glare. "Hmm, I'll stay with my dream boat!" Grenda exclaimed, Mabel gave Bill a sympathetic glance and mouthed the words, "It'll be ok." After everyone put there vests on and Grenda taught him the rules, the game began.  "This is my chance to lose her finally!" Bill thought with glee, "Hey Grenda, how about we split up and corner them? This way we can cover more ground." Grenda glanced at him dreamily,"Whatever you say dream boat, just don't sail off too far." Bill cringed gagging a little, then nodded his head taking off. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this act up, I'm either going to be sick or I'm going to rip her out of his reality and place her into the reverse world." He said in frustration. Mabel looked around with her laser gun ready to shoot, "Candy, have my back?" she whispered, "Of course Mabel, there's nowhere else I could possibly be." Candy whispered back smiling, that's when she spotted a dark figure peering around the corner, although the only thing she could make out was a white eye. Mabel felt a tap on her shoulder, wiping around she found Candy shaking and pointing at a wall, but nothing was there. Patting her friend on the back she turned around to continue walking but walked into someone.  Due to the poor lighting in the building Mabel didn't see who it was right away and started to scream when a gloved hand covered her mouth. "It's ok Shooting Star, relax." Candy recognized the voice and tried shooting at his vest, but to her dismay Bill dodged it with ease nailing a hit on her vest making it light up. Mabel raised her gun but Bill grabbed her, snapping his fingers teleporting them behind the building. "What the heck Bill! We were in the middle of the game!" Mabel whined. "Mabel I can't keep this act up, that monster you call a girl is reaching my last nerve. Also, I have a feeling we aren't the only ones in there." Before she was about to speak, Bill snapped his fingers again, this time reveling Candy and Grenda. "Mabel something is in there. Whatever you do, don't go back in there. I'm going to get Dipper and see what we can do about this." After that Bill was gone, and all that remained was a shaken up Grenda and Candy.

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