Chapter 9 - Relief

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Cynthia's side:
It was now 7:30pm and time was thinning quickly. Cynthia had made a bandage for her shoulder and started heading toward the Mystery Shack where she hoped Dipper would be waiting. She was physically exhausted, too weak to make a portal to Dipper, and too sore to run, which meant she was stuck walking the entire way. "Geesh if I ever see that brat again, I'll do more then send him to hell, I'll send him to a dimension that'll make him relive his worst nightmares for an eternity." She whined. The forest was very quiet and peaceful, Cynthia hated to admit it but the silence was nice for a change. After what felt like an eternity of walking she reached a tree line, and to her satisfaction there was the Mystery Shack. A small smile formed as she continued to walk up but soon fated when she didn't see Dipper. "Maybe he's inside." She suspected, right before she went to knock faint breathing could be heard for what sounded like was behind her. Cynthia slowly turned around looking for the source of the breathing, then she saw Dipper walking out the other side of the clearing. She breathed a sigh of relief and started walking over to him.
Dipper's side:
As if nearly escaping death once wasn't good enough for him, he had to escape being chased by the vengeful gnomes heck bent on killing him all the way back to the Mystery Shack. When Dipper reached the clearing, he spotted Cynthia on the front porch of his house and started running toward the house.
Dipper ran and threw his arms around Cynthia nearly knocking her over, "I can't believe your ok! I was so worried!" he said delighted, "Kid..get off me... that kinda... hurts." Cynthia managed to wheeze out. Dipper quickly let go and helped her up noticing her burses along with her wrapped up shoulder. "Oh my gosh your hurt! What happened? We need to treat it before it gets infected!" Cynthia just looked at the boy wounding why he was so concern about her. Dipper saw the confusion and decided it was the right time to apologies. "Listen Cynthia, about what I said today...I was...I acted like a complete jerk. I'm sorry I hurt you, truth is I don't want you gone. I just want my sister and everything back to normal, but with you here of course." Cynthia stood still like a statue, not knowing what to say or do. Finally she knelt down giving Dipper a hug, which he returned. Pulling away, then looked at the sky the sun was setting, Cynthia stood up and looked at Dipper, "You know what that means right Pine Tree?" Dipper nodded. Cynthia clapped her hands together turning Dipper back to his boyish self. "Alright kid, not to bad today. First.." *Clap* " Your sister is safe in her bed, she'll wake up thinking she had a nightmare. Now Pine Tree, what's your wish?" Dipper didn't hesitate, "I want you to stay here with us." Cynthia smiled, "Gladly Pine Tree." Cynthia finally clapped her hands together making a similar blue flame, then smashing it into the ground. One blinding light later Bill Cipher now took the place of where Cynthia used to be. The boys looked at each other for a brief moment before Dipper tried questioning him but Bill stopped him dead in his tracks. "Hey Pine Tree I'm beat, literally. Can we discuss this tomorrow?" Dipper sighed, "Alright, but don't think I'll forget!" Bill chuckled, then the two walked inside the house and passed out once they saw the bed.

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