Chapter 5 - Bitter Ruins

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Evening was slowing creeping up on the Town of Gravity Falls, by now everyone was settling down for dinner, everyone but Dipper Pines and Cynthia Cipher. The two where currently trekking down a dirt path that lead them through the thick woods towards the Mystery Shack. It didn't take to long for Cynthia to get extremely bored to the point of setting a few things on fire along the way. Meanwhile Dipper was deep in thought, oblivious to the world around him.  Cynthia was sick of the silence and Dipper having his head in the clouds, "I can't wait any longer." She thought, then she clapped her hands together appearing in front of Dipper making him bump into her.  Before he could remove himself she had already embraced him in a hug. Even sooner, Cynthia had already knelt down eye level with him, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Kid listen, I can see the worry and sadness all over your face. You can't exactly hide things from me just by looking down or escaping deeper inside your head." Dipper just looked at her as if at a loss for words, shaking his head he looked down at the ground. "Cynthia leave it alone. You're the last person in this world I want to talk to right now." He said struggling to break free of her grasp, but to his dismay she wouldn't let go. Cynthia just knelt there with a hurt look on her face as she tried to wrack her brain for the right words which was really not her specialty to begin with. Normally she didn't care how humans felt, but Pine Tree was different, she'd grown very attracted to him. "Listen Pine Tree, the day is almost over, soon you won't have to deal or worry about me anymore. But for now, just know that I do care whether you like it or not." After that she let go of Dipper and continued to float down the dirt path alone.

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