Chapter 7 - Mending A Broken Heart

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Dipper's side:
It was only 6:00 o'clock, but Dipper knew that darkness would soon be claiming the sky in a few hours. Finding Cynthia was crucial before night fell because the woods became a very dangerous place to be. He had to run faster and search wider without drawing any attention to himself in fear of being questioned or worse running into his family again. "If I were a miffed off dream demon with a bad attitude issue where would I be?" Dipper thought, then it dawned on him, maybe the journal had a clue. "But wait, I don't have the journal! It's in my room!" he silently countered himself. "Think harder Dipper! Where could she be?" as he said it there was a hint of panic in his voice. Without warning something hit him full force knocking Dipper to the ground. Still in shock he stayed perfectly still, but tried peering out of his right eye to see exactly what hit him. At first he didn't see anything but he could faintly hear something circling him in the brush. Next thing he knew there was a flash of black, and then he felt something turning him on to his back. "Bill? Please tell me that's you trying to scare me." But to his horror he came face to face with glowing violet eyes, and that was the last thing he ever saw.
Cynthia's side:
"It's getting late, I guess Pine Tree really does hate me and here I thought he'd come looking for me." Cynthia said disappointed, she had walked to the edge of her branch; it was quiet, so quiet she could hear the vibration of the air around her. But the silence was soon broken by a bone chilling scream in the distance. "That sounded like Pine Tree, wait he's still in the woods!" without thinking Cynthia leap off the branch and darted toward the direction which the scream came from. Soon she found herself quickly dodging through the greenery with ease making it to her destination in record time. The dream demon didn't waste any time, she was already inspecting the area for signs of a struggle, but came up empty handed. "Geez there's nothing here! Whatever has Pine Tree must be really stealthy and good at covering its tracks." Just as the words left her lips, she sensed something behind her. She closed her eye and started to laugh manically, "So you're the one causing all the trouble around here." The creature lunged at her, but before it could grab Cynthia she was already on top of its head. "You gotta be quicker than that." She scoffed. Once the creature hit the ground it let out a deep growl, and then tried pouncing on Cynthia once more, but failed to notice it was a clone. Mean while the real Cynthia was up in a tree growing real tired of this game. "Sorry I can't stay and chat. But you see I have places to go and people to see." She announced, clapping her hands together she captured the creature in a blue orb. She knew better then to just simply ask where Dipper was, so she started digging around in the creatures mind until the answer was found. "Thanks for the information, I hope we never meet again." Cynthia growled, while waving her hand freeing the pasted out beast as she kept on walking.
Dipper's side:
Dipper laid there motionless for quiet sometime now, his senses were slowly coming back to him. The first thing Dipper noticed was the fact he was tied up with rope that had a death grip on him. He shook his head trying to wake himself up faster, only to see a silo wet of someone with their back turned to him. "H-hello?" he managed to choke out, only to get silence in return. Suddenly the details of the silo wet started to become cleaner, but all he could make out was a black cloak. Suddenly his captor whipped around startling Dipper out of his thoughts. "Good morning princess. It's about time you came to." Dipper gulped, his captor had a deep but soothing voice, looked like he was only fifth teen, wore a black suite underneath his cloak, and a black half mask which covered everything but his eyes. "Well, I sense there's some question buzzing around in that little head of yours so we might as well get it over with, starting with my introduction. My name is Gemini, and I'm a demon hunter." Dipper was too petrified to speak a word, so Gemini continued on. "You see Dipper, I know about your little demon friend, we go way back. So far back that you weren't even alive yet. You see, he ruined my whole world, with a deal. I help him in exchange for what I wanted, but the bastard double crossed me and took my soul, in the end turning me half demon. So I want to pay him back, how do you ask? Well by taking something he holds most dear, his one weakness and that my lady is you." Dipper was horrified, "Wait me? That can't be true, Bill could care less about humans. We are just useless meat bags compared to a being of pure energy!" Gemini laughed, "It's true, so I suggest you start accepting it." With that Gemini turned away and returned to where he was last standing.

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