Chapter 15 - Lonelyness Offers Answers

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Dipper's side:
Dipper followed a familiar little path that he's walked many times before after an argument with Stan or Mabel. Once he spotted the tall pines it was obvious the thinking spot was close, that's when it came into view. It was a giant brown log that was surrounded by sapphire colored plants with amethyst purple berries.  The air was perfectly crisp with yellow wisps falling from above and the grass had a light sprinkle of dew decorating it. Dipper knew it was the safest place for him right now, he could relax without any worries and think of a solution. He soon took a seat in the middle of the log, carefully placing his hat next to him. Lastly he closed his eyes and started to let his mind wonder.
Bill and Mabel's side:
Bill and Mabel stood there as they watched Dipper disappear outside, Mabel trying going after him but the demon put a hand on her shoulder shaking his head. "Shooting Star its best we give him some time alone. The poor kid has had way too much excitement for one day. He'll come back to us when he's ready." Mabel looked over her shoulder at Bill who gave a sympathetic smile. "I guess you're right. Besides, I know where he went if he doesn't return by nightfall. How bout a movie to pass the time?"  Bill wasn't very interested in watching a box, but if they didn't then Mabel would probably run off looking for Dipper. "Sounds like fun Shooting Star lead the way." He said trying to muster a fake convincing grin. She led him into the living room, offering the seat in front of the TV, and then popped a season of Ducktective into the DVD player. Bill sat in the chair while Mabel laid on the floor kicking her feet in the air.
Dipper's side:
"I know Bill did the right thing, I just hate being wrong and admitting to it. Lately he's done nothing but save me and my sister from dangerous situations. Yet all I can manage to do is spout out information and stand there useless. I'm worry about Mabel because she tends to be way too optimistic and puts her trust in others way to easily. Maybe...maybe I should learn to accept help, and loosen up once in awhile. Come to think of it, all I do is yell at Bill and protect Mabel. Starting now, I will try to lighten up and enjoy myself more by balancing what needs to be done with having fun." Dipper opened his eyes with a new found determination; he took in the landscape one last time before grabbing his hat, "Until next time old friend." Dipper gave the safe haven a tender smile before heading back to the Mystery shack.
After almost two and a half hours of Ducktective, Bill was fast asleep in the arm chair when Mabel looked over. A devilish grin crept onto Mabel's face, she quietly got to her feet and tip toed over to the gift shop. She soon returned with makeup box in hand, then quickly set it up next to him, ready to begin on her new moving art project. Meanwhile Dipper was just walking into the Mystery Shack when he heard a scream followed by Mabel running into the gift shop laughing historically. No sooner did he watch his sister find a hiding spot, Bill floated in covered head to toe in glitter and stickers. "Dam it Shooting Star when I get my hands on you! You are going to pay for this!" he seethed, but paused when someone else's laugher could be heard on the other side of the room. Mabel popped her head out of the clothing rack to see Dipper rolling on the floor almost in tears, "Oh my god Bill! I don't know how she pulled this off but she did a fantastic job! You look...very beautiful...Bill." Dipper said between muffled laughter. Bill and Mabel walked up to Dipper with caution, "What have you done with Pine Tree?" He asked puzzled at Dippers strange behavior. Mabel grabbed a small rubber fish out of her pocket and slapped her brother with it. "Dang it Mabel! What was that for!" Dipper asked rubbing his cheek. "Ha! You got fished slapped kid!" Bill giggled, grabbing Dipper's hat. "Hey give that back!" Mabel just shook her head, "Yeah, that's definitely Dipper alright!" "Crabby and demanding as ever!" Bill finished, holding Dipper's hat just out of his reach. Dipper quit jumping for his hat and cleared his throat, "Listen, about how I acted earlier..." Bill put his hand up hushing Dipper, "Kid, you've had a long two days. You don't have to be a mind reader to know your under a bit of stress, it was obvious a break was needed." Then he placed the hat back on Dipper's head. "I was thinking, all I ever do is yell at Bill for doing something wrong but when it came down to him saving lives I didn't bother give him the credit he deserves. I also came to the realization my efforts of protecting Mabel have backfired on me, ultimately isolating myself. So I concluded that I would try harder to lighten up and be less hard on you guys." Bill and Mabel stared at him wide eyed with their mouths open in shock. The demon twitched before falling backwards. "Um guys? Are you ok?" Dipper said a little concerned by their reactions. "It finally clicked huh Pine Tree? It took you long enough!" Mabel ran over hugging her brother, "I'm so glad you're better now!" Dipper thought after the tantrum he threw it was about time he suggested something fun. "Who's up for a water balloon fight?!" Bill snapped his fingers changing everyone into their bathing suites and making buckets filled with water balloons appear in front of each person. "It's about dam time you suggested something fun Pine Tree!" He smirked. "Everyone grab a bucket! This means war!" Mabel yelled at the top of her lungs. Dripper happily lead the charge outside to their battlefield.

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