Chapter 13 - No Rest For The Wicked

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Bill landed in Dipper's room quickly inspecting the area for anything abnormal. When he came up empty, he made his way over to Dipper who was still sound asleep. Bill crossed one arm, with the other he bent slightly, making a thinking stance, "He looks so peaceful, I know I should let him rest, but this can't wait. Something evil had made its presence known, but that wasn't the only thing, it wanted something. No wait, someone. Either way we need to get to work." Bill concluded with a frown. He gently sat on Dipper's bed, then careful shook him until he awoke. Dipper sat up rubbing his eyes, "Bill? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Mabel?" Bill looked away, "Sorry Pine Tree, but something went down. While we were playing laser tag something was following Candy and Mabel. I stood in the shadows watching as the creature jumped from the ceiling and stalked around watching them. That's when I grabbed Mabel taking her outside the building, then told her never to go back, lastly returning her terrified friends to her and leaving." Dipper locked eyes with Bill, "It never acknowledged you?" "No Pine Tree. It never looked at me. I suppose I may have covered myself from its senses." Bill said. "Alright I need to put fresh clothes on, and then we will head over there. The journal will help me identify it hopefully." Bill snapped his fingers giving Dipper clean clothes, "Pine Tree there is no time to waste. This creature is filled with a disturbing evil. It's after someone, but I'm not sure who yet." Next thing Dipper knew they were in front of the laser tag building.  Next to him he could hear Bill silently chanting something then stopped as if he found something, "Lucky for us, the creature is still inside, unlucky for us, it's about to pounce on someone." Bill snapped his fingers  and landed them behind the creature. "I suggest everyone leave, what you might end up seeing  will give you nightmares. So run along." Bill announced. Dipper was frantically flipping through the journal looking for the creature's classification, "Wait I found something! It's called a Midnight Shadow weaver, it can be found in dimly lit areas or complete darkness. It forces its victim to dream about their worst fear weaving it into a night terror so it can feed on it. It's weaknesses include, fire and light." Bill was already off dealing with the creature, "Pine coming in late don't you?" he said pinning the shadow weaver down as he started to chant once again making symbols flash in his eyes. Once Bill finished fire erupted, engulfing the entire building.
Mabel's side:
Mabel and her two friends were walking down the street comparing notes about what they saw. That's when she heard a giant BANG! Making the three girls jump around to see the laser tag building full with flames. No sooner did she see this, loud sirens could be heard in the distance, with people screaming and running away in fear. Suddenly she heard a loud screech, then a black creature came running out on fire slowly turning into ash.
Back to Bill and Dipper:
Dipper had no idea what was going on but felt a pair of arms around him, right before the building collapsed. Bill could feel stones, metal rods, concrete and lighting fixtures fall all around them, his spell held up, protecting them from most of the damage. Bill looked around for an escape, once he found one he picked Dipper up bridle style and jumped out of the fire ending up in the woods behind the burning building. He let Dipper down then flopped on his back panting, meanwhile Dipper stood still staring at the burning building. "Yeah...don't worry bout me kid. Just... you know...jumped out...a burning building...saving your ass." Bill said between breathes. "Bill! You could of just burnt the monster not the entire building!" Bill sat up, "I am not sorry. For your sake I made sure the building was clear before burning the place down and besides if it escaped which by the way it tried, then the thing wouldn't get far before turning to ash. Your welcome." He said with an annoyed huff and crossed he arms. Dipper closed his eyes, pinching  the bridge of his nose. "Fine Bill, you win. I'm safe..." taking the journal out of his coat," The journal is ok, and you are a hero." Bill grew a devilish grin, " and? I think you're missing something important here Pine Tree." Dipper sighed, "And even though you despise humans you saved them for me. Thank you Bill." The Dream Demon Stood up with a wide sly smile and playfully poked him on the nose, "Anytime my little Pine Tree." Then he grabbed Dipper's arm, "Now let's go find Shooting Star." Snapping his fingers they were gone.

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