Chapter 6 - A Broken Heart

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Dipper's side:
He fell to the ground as he watched Cynthia fade away into the forest not knowing what to do next. His brain told him to leave her alone but his heart screamed to go after her and fix things. "I really messed up this time."  He thought. Although he was furious at the demon for taking Mabel and dragging him through hell, deep down all he could feel was pity for Cynthia. Minutes went by as he thoroughly reflected upon his options, finally concluding that finding Cynthia was the best thing to do at the moment. Then he rose up from the hard unforgiving ground, brushing the dirt off, and was off with a new found determination to clean up the mess he had made.
Cynthia's side:
Pain prick at Cynthia's fragile heart, she guessed that with having a human body came with a hole other dimension to things, mainly emotions. She didn't quite understand them yet but all the same she wasn't thrilled. As she floated down the trail she decided to go sit on one of the high pine tree branch.  Cynthia sat down balancing carefully on the branch, only to notice the perfect view of the entire forest. She never realized how harmonious the forest really was in the evening. "I wish Pine tree was here to see this it might actually put a smile on his face for once." She said letting out a deep sigh. "But that will never happen anytime soon."

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