Chapter 8 - Waiting For The Light That Never Comes

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Cynthia's side:
There was only two more hours of sunlight left which meant the deal would be over soon and most likely Dipper's life as well. Luckily Cynthia had gained the location of where Dipper was being held and who his captor was. At this point she was beyond furious, Gemini was back. She thought she had gotten rid of the annoying boy but obviously overlooked a few details and now she was going to have to permanently put the kid to bed.  Cynthia rolled her eye and let out an annoyed sigh. "This is the last time I ever leave Pine Tree alone in the woods." Then she clapped her hands making a portal to Dipper.
Dipper's side:
He tried every way possible to get out of out the ropes but failed at every turn. Until, he heard Cynthia's voice, "It's going to be ok Pine Tree, I'll get you out of this." With that Cynthia walked out from behind the tree. "Well, well, look who it is!" Gemini smirked,"Deal gone ary again Bill? To bad buddy. In any event its lovely for you to finally show your face after all these years." Cynthia scoffed with disgust, "I've had more important pressing matters to deal with then you Gemy. But enough talk, it's time I put you to sleep permanently!" Before any action was taken Cynthia snapped her fingers releasing Dipper, and then telepathically told him, "Run! No matter what happens or what you hear don't turn back! Got it? When I'm done I'll meet you at the Mystery Shack." Dipper took off in a sprint, when he glanced back Cynthia had already unleashed her fury making the forest radiate dark red.
Cynthia's side:
"So what do you call that fake body you made? Death trap?" Gemini mocked. Cynthia closed her eye, she wasn't joking anymore, she was fed up with this punk, "he's lived long enough." She thought, then unleashed her truly demonic side that she never wanted Dipper to see. That's when the ground started rumble, small pebbles began to levitate slightly off the ground, and a crimson red aurora formed around her once she opened her eye illuminating the entire forest. "I can't mess around this time. No room for errors. Quick, clean, out of sight." She told herself. "Let's make one thing clear, nobody comes near or hurts Pine Tree but me. Got it? Good. Let's finish what we started ages ago." The dream demon declared with a scowl. "Fine by me!" Gemini yelled releasing his own purple aura. Cynthia was quick but at times Gemini was quicker, he landed a hard swift kick at her stomach sending her flying back into a tree knocking it over. Cynthia quickly recovered, then disappearing into the shadows, making multiple shadow figures of herself against the trees, ultimately confusing Gemini long enough to give her a chance to strike. Jumping out of the shadow she quickly appeared behind him snapping his neck. "Ha! You think this is over? Come on Bill, you know me better then that!" Gemini said fixing his head, making Cynthia's scowl deeper. "I knew it felt too easy." Suddenly Gemini reached into his cloak pulling out a dagger. "I think it's time you let go of this life. You don't belong here and you certainly don't deserve Dipper." Cynthia didn't flinch, it only fueled her determination to see him fall. Gemini only had time to swipe at her once before she disappeared again. "Gemy, there's perfect place for you. It's called hell. Ever heard of it?" Then Cynthia clapped her hands together making a portal appear right behind him. "You're a fool if you think I'll go in there!" That's when a Cynthia clone appeared in front of his face, "You think I was asking? I was telling you. Gemy you don't have a choice." She said with a devilish grin developing across her face. Gemini attempted to cut the clone, but as it disappeared Cynthia was right behind it getting cut in the process. Blood started to pour from her shoulder as she hiss, then she round house kicked the little snot into the portal. Gemini all the while screamed revenge at her before he was sucked in and the portal closed.

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