Chapter 10 - Knock, Knock, We're Back!

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Mabel's Side:
Mabel slowly woke up with a massive headache due to the fact she was in suspended animation for so long. Rubbing her eye's she looked over to see Bill and Dipper passed out still wearing their day clothes. Then her clock beeped making her jump, she took a glance at the beeping device which read 1:00pm. "Oh my gosh its 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon already!"She yelled, then Mabel grabbed her pillow and whipped at Dipper's face. "Bro-bro wake up its 1:00 o'clock!" Dipper just rolled on to his other side, turning his back to Mabel. With an annoyed huff she walked over to her pillow plucking a feather, then tip toed next to Bill's face. "Ignore me will you? Fine I'll just make Bill wake you up!" she thought with a mischievous grin. That's when she put the feather under Bill's nose and attempting to wake him up, only to receive a swatting hand. When that didn't work she resorted to plan b, she knew Bill loved pain and thought it was extremely hilarious which she would use to her advantage. Soon, Mabel was carefully rolling up Bill's sleeve, then pinched him as hard as she could. Bill jerked awake laughing, "Oh my gosh, pain is hilarious! Can't get enough!" He turned his head to wipe a tear away, but that's when he noticed Mabel standing there. "Shooting star?!" Bill jumped back, knocking both himself and Dipper off the bed on to the fool.
Dipper's side:
Dipper's eyes shot open, "What is going on?!" that's when he realized something heavy was on him and quickly crushing the air out of his lungs. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Mabel frowning with her arms crossed and a familiar voice spouting out apologies as the crushing weight started to lighten up. "Sorry Pine Tree, didn't mean to crush you, your sister kind of startled me." Dipper just rolled his eyes, "just help me up." Bill quickly picked up Dipper by the arm pits setting him upright.  "Now what is so important that you needed both of us up this early in the morning?" Dipper scowled. "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact it's not morning, Its one something in the afternoon! Besides, you promised me a day of fun!" Mabel said with a smile developing quickly on her face. Dipper and Bill looked at each other with puzzled expression, "When did I promise this?" Mabel face palmed," You told me last night!" Dipper was still holding a confused look," You know, as a makeup? For getting me kidnapped over your stupid deal!" Mabel's face began to turn a deep shade of red. Dipper just stood there wide eyed, "How did she find out! I was asleep all night! I never talked to her!" he thought and started to panic.
Bill's side:
"How did she find out? Oh crap. Dipper is going to kill me if he finds out! Gotta think fast!" Bill thought. "H-hey Shooting Star, how bout you and me go have some fun! Dipper can just go back to bed and hopefully wake up less crabby!" Mabel started jumping with glee seeming to have forgotten what just accorded.  Without warning Mabel ran up grabbing Bill and dragged him out the door without saying good bye to Dipper.

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