Chapter 14 - Can't Catch A Break

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Bill and Dipper soon appeared in front of Mabel while her friends were gawking at them behind her. "Did they just..." Candy started, "Appear out of nowhere?!" Grenda finished. The three turned to the girls, "No they just ran..." Mabel began to make an excuse but was rudely interrupted by Bill, "The monster you ladies saw was called a Midnight Shadow weaver. It devours its victim's night terrors by forcing them to dream. The only way to stop it was to setting the building on fire." He explained plainly. "Candy and Grenda did it come in contact with you at all? Or say anything?" Dipper asked, deep down he was worried this might have a connection to Gemini somehow. Bill's eye briefly turned red as he looked at Dipper with a disapproving glare, knowing full well what he was thinking. The two girls hesitated then begun to shake their heads, that's when Dipper nodding toward Bill, signaling him to read their minds for information. Less than a minute later Bill roughly grabbed Dipper's shoulder, "Come on Dipper, we have business to attend to." He said with a scowl, without caring if the girls saw snapped his fingers engulfing himself and Dipper in blue flames, making them disappear. "Oh god this can't be good." Mabel whispered under her breathe.  Her friends saw the worry on her face, "Mabel what's the matter? What just happened? Did you see Bill's eye turn red?" Mabel turned back to her best friends, "Bill never calls Dipper by his first name..." She took a deep breath," Truth is, that was Bill Cipher the dream demon. The red flash you saw was his temper flaring up. Something must have really pissed him off for him not to care and to be so rough with Dipper. I need to make sure Dipper is ok, I have a bad feeling."
"Where ever you go, we go Mabel!" Grenda said with determination. "Aw thanks guys! Let's get going!" Mabel said as they started to run toward the Mystery Shack.
Bill and Dipper:
They appeared in the attic, soon the blue flames around them subsided, revealing a very pissed off dream demon.  Bill was no longer his golden color, everything on him had turned red. Dipper ripped himself from Bill's grasp, "What the hell is wrong with you Bill! You were fine a second ago, and then you just spring your temper out in the open like that!" Bill grabbed Dipper by the vest bring him up eye level, "Dipper I have told you, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. But that's beside the point. You doubt I properly disposed of Gemini. You honestly think me such a fool as to let him live without suffering for what he pulled? Then to top it all off, the girls lied. That shadow weaver cornered them before I teleported them out. It demanded information on you and me, as you can imagine I am not pleased." With that he threw Dipper onto his bed, while he walked to the window. "I have made many powerful enemies in the past, but now it seems like some of them worked up enough nerve to take their revenge. Which means they will be coming after us, mostly you. I am not too thrilled about wasting my time putting each petty one of them to rest." Bill took a deep breath, "I don't have time for this." As he pinch the bridge of his nose. "Mabel decided to bring her friends here to check on you. Go be a good boy and tell her everything is alright." He raised his hand sending Dipper flying out the door and shutting it behind him. "Just when I thought things were going to end well, no rest for the wicked I suppose." A sigh was released before his golden color returned and he had regained a hold of his temper.
Mabel's side:
Once the girls set foot in the Mystery Shack they heard something tumbling down the stairs and ended up sprawled across the floor in front of them. "Oh my gosh! Dipper! Are you alright? Where is Bill! I want to give him a piece of my mind! That is if you didn't give him too much already." She gently helped her bother off the floor, and then he wiped the dirt off. "Don't worry Mabel, I'm fine. Bill is up stairs, cooling off a bit. It's nothing you need to be concern with, I can handle an angry triangle." Dipper said with a smile. "Will you explain the rest later?" Mabel knew Dipper wasn't telling her everything, something very important. Dipper just nodded, "Just relax, everything will be fine, good news is you ladies won't have to worry about that monster bothering you!" He said striking a hero pose, making everyone laugh and Mabel lightly punching him in the arm. "I'm just glad you're in one piece. Once I saw Bill's temper starting to flare up, plus using your first name which he never does, I thought he was going to do something terrible." Mabel said with a sad expression, soon her friends embraced her, putting a smile on all of their faces. "Well, you see, you might be seeing monster more often. We just need you to be careful, that's all you need to know right now." Dipper said trying to change the subject, "He's trying to dance around it. It's because we're here isn't it?" Grenda whispered in Mabel's ear, Mabel slowly nodded in response. "Fine we'll leave. But promise we can hang out tomorrow?" Her two friends looked at her with hopeful grins, "Of course!" Mabel said before giving her friends one more hug, then it was only Dipper and Mabel in the room.
Bill's side:
Bill watched as the girls walked away, he knew only Mabel and Dipper remained. "Time to come clean I suppose. Or maybe I should wait before reopening that door." Never the less, he had to go talk to the twins, with a deep breath he opened the door and began to walk down the stairs.
Mabel was sitting on the checkout counter kicking her already dangling legs, while Dipper was pacing in front of her. Bill soon appeared in the door way, the twins stopped what they were doing and stared silently at him, waiting for him to speak.  "Where should we begin." Bill started to say, and then Mabel cut in. "Start with what your attitude problem was! I had to tell Candy and Grenda who you were for them to fully understand the situation." She said crossing her arms. "I found out your friends where lying to us, the creature did talk to them which is why they came out so terrified. Second some enemies of mine have decided to resurface and take their revenge." Bill explained then crossed his arms. "But it'll be ok Mabel, Bill and I will handle it when it comes time." Dipper said trying to reassure his sister. "I know you'll take care of it bro bro." She said with a tiny smile. "Alright next on the list, how did Mabel find out about the deal? Bill." Dipper shot him an accusing glare. "Time to come clean I guess, once we passed out last night my subconscious decided I had to enlighten Mabel on the situation. In doing so I had to disguise myself as you, so I could explain it properly without her getting suspicious that it was a trick." Bill just looked to the other side of the room.  Dipper and Mabel exchanged glances, "I understand why you did it Bill. Dipper couldn't do it himself, so you helped bring me comfort instead. For a moment I was scared, but you made that fear disappear. Thank you Bill." Mabel ran over grabbing Bill's waist hugging him tightly. "You might a jerk sometimes, but you have good intensions." Bill relaxed and his gaze softened. "I'm sorry for deceiving you Shooting Star, but I couldn't come up with any other solution at that moment." Dipper still held his stern glare, "I don't approve of you doing that behind my back. I thought we agreed we wouldn't tell her." The conversation created an awkward atmosphere. "We did, but the more I thought about the more it was clear, she had to of suspected something was up already. Why not put those suspicions to rest? Besides, I don't know what your complaining about, your sister is safe, happy, and I probably saved you a world of hurt that she would have unleashed upon you knowing later." He retorted. Dipper didn't know what to say, the demon had trapped him. He looked at the ground growling a little, "I'm done arguing about this." Then Dipper opened the door to the Mystery Shack, walking out slamming the old door behind him in defeat.

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