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Ally Rose

Today was the moving day. My mom was already in New Jersey because the furniture was going to be there before we got there. I'm moving from Texas to New Jersey.

I'm Ally Rose and I'm 17. I have two older siblings. They are both girls. The oldest one is named Jennifer and is 21. The second oldest is named Lilly and is 19.

Jennifer is staying in Texas in her apartment because of college and Lilly hated school all her life so she didn't go to college.

I on the other hand want to go to college and study to be a nurse. I always loved to study and to get good grades. I never pay attention in class though I'm either on my phone or day dreaming. I just tend to remember what the teacher says.

I get my suitcase that has the last clothes of mine and I go downstairs to where my dad and Lilly are. Jennifer already said bye because she had to go to college but we will see her when she has time.

"Girls say goodbye to this house" my dad says as he gets the last two bags of mine and Lilly.

I look at it one more time and I tear up a little but but I don't cry my dad told me that big girls don't cry anymore for little things.

I smile and go into the taxi. When we get to the airport we check in get the tickets and go into security. My dad shows them his military badge and we go through the line a lot faster.

When we board the plane we go into first class. When we sit down I put on my headphones and started to fall asleep.

I listened to Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi, Big Sean, Rihanna, Drake, and many more.

Lilly shakes me since we were about to land. When we land we get our backpacks and we go to get the luggage then after that we go to the new house.

We got into the neighborhood and saw big houses. We were semi rich but not that rich so it surprised me a lot. When we go into the house the drive way is long.

My mouth opens of how big the house is.

"Mom!" I said going up to her and hugging her

"Baby" she says smiling and hugging me back

Lilly and my mom hug and my mom and dad hug and kiss. We go inside and I go into a room that has a window looking over at the neighbors house but it's not that I would care.

There isn't going to be a pedophile or some shit like that. If there is I'm keeping a knife in my room.

I help my mom get my boxes up to my room. My bed was already in there and all the furniture except for my pictures and memories which were in three separate boxes.

I put the boxes of clothes in my closet and then I start to the boxes of my memories as in pictures, trophies, and other important stuff to me.

I put them on the nightstand, on the walls, and other places. I then start to do my clothes.

By the end it was 2:05 am

I run my eyes and go downstairs.

I see my mom doing her work because she's a nurse and my sister on the chair beside her texting. I see my dad filling out papers and I'm standing there staring at them...

"There is good in the fridge honey" my dad said  

I go to the fridge and open to see a carrot. I take it out and my sister snorts and goes back to her phone

My mom looks up and smiles and goes back to doing her work.

My dad looks at me and shrugs

"Guessing someone ate the food" he said while pointing at Lilly

I chuck my carrot at her and she snaps her head back over reacting. I start to laugh and run around the house. I go upstairs and I scream as she chucks the carrot at me again

"OW" I yell while throwing myself on the bed

She tackles me down even more and starts to wrestle me


"NO IM NOT" Lilly yelled while grabbing my hair and pulling it

"Ow!" I yell 

We fall off the bed and we both land on our backs

"Get away!" I said as I run to the other side of the bed getting my pillow

"No! You chucked a carrot at me!" she said holding up the carrot

"You ate all the food!" I said

"Yes because your fat ass wouldn't come downstairs!" She said

I snorted

"Says the one who ate all the food!" I said while pointing at her

Lilly throws the carrot at me and I cover it with my pillow

She grabs another pillow and she runs towards me and starts hitting me with it but I hit back and I start to laugh as I processed what was going on through my head

We were fighting over food again...

"We are fighting over food again!" I said doing a little backflip and going to the other side of the bed

"Again?!" She said

This is like gazillionth time we've fought over food

"Yes" I said while trying to catch my breath

"When does school start for me?" I ask as I get a rubber band and put my hair up into a bun

"For you next week" Lilly said laying down on my bed

"Really?!" I ask yelling out loud mad because I don't really want to start a new school again.

"It's our 5 time moving!" I said

"Really!?" She said sarcasm thick in her voice

"No. We haven't been in Hawaii, Los Angeles, Illinois, Minnesota, and New Jersey. We haven't at all" I said sarcasm thick in my voice too

"Well sucks for you asshole" she says getting up

"Yup" I said using sarcasm because I really don't hate school as much as she does

Grayson Dolan

I can't believe what I just witnessed

"Ethan! There is two girls next door! They are our new neighbors!" I semi yell

"Wait really!?!" He said coming in and looking through my window to see them

"They have nice asses" Ethan said

"They are pretty" I said shrugging

Ethan is my brother and I love him and all but he is the biggest fuckboy in the school and has gotten in every girls pants in our grade 


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